Saturday, June 13, 2009

Trane Xe80 Furnace Problems

They return home to grow sexual diseases in the age group 30-45 years

no longer speak about 'a little' time of AIDS, its devastating effects, precautions for using them, perhaps it is also why sexually transmitted diseases are increasing in the range of aged between 30 and 45 years. It 's the cry of alarm that launched the urologists meeting in Catania for the XXV National Congress of both (Italian Society of Andrology), which closed today siÄ™. "In Europe, over the past 9 years, there has been a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, first of all chlamydia, syphilis with a number of cases doubled in 9 years ago, and AIDS with about 4,000 new infections a year - says Vincent Gentile, president of Be-This must make us reflect, especially on the need to provide adequate information to be most affected because they do not are teenagers, but the thirties and forties, "he remarks. "By raising the age that perhaps should be connected to the fact that the traditional family in recent years entered into crisis for the new single, veterans of separation or divorce, you multiply the opportunities to meet, the stories get shorter, unstable and increase casual relationships at risk. " In our country, 19 cases of sexually transmitted diseases in 20 relate to individuals over the age of 25. According to the Italian urologists, to make the problem even more urgent than contributing numerous trips abroad to Europe and immigration, particularly from Eastern Europe and Africa, regions where the incidence of STIs is 100-150 times higher than in Western Europe. The list includes more than 20 diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites - Evidence Aldo Franco De Rose, the urologist Sia - A male in 3 is suffering from ano-genital warts, genital herpes or one in 10 infection Chlamydia, a bacterial 5 has urethra. Significant data, according to the ISS, carrying more than 100 000 specialist visits per year. The primary responsibility is to be attributed to not using a condom, the only tool with which you can do prevention. " This is demonstrated by the results of a study by De Rose in two cities, Genoa and Rome, in a population of 1,872 men and 482 women. 45.4% of males and 17.5%% of women had had occasional reports, of which more than 18.4% (20% women and 18% men) had not used a condom. Investigated the data by age, almost one man in three between 31 and 45 years had had casual sex without condom use (31.4%), compared to 18.5% between 46 and 55 years and 13% tra i 56 e i 65 anni. Tra i giovani dai 18 ai 30 anni, a sorpresa, il 72% dei maschi e l'80% delle femmine aveva preteso l'utilizzo del profilattico nei rapporti occasionali. Infine, il 18% degli uomini e il 2% delle donne che avevano avuto rapporti senza alcuna protezione hanno avuto infezioni da Chlamydia, gonorrea, candidosi, Papillomavirus e Hiv.


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