Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Anxiety during pregnancy delays the arrival of puberty in daughter born

L'ansia della mamma durante i mesi della gravidanza può ritardare l'arrivo dell' adolescenza nelle figlie. Lo rileva uno studio dell'ateneo neozelandese di Otago, in Dunedin, presentato oggi al meeting annuale della Società di endocrinologia, in corso a Washington. «I disturbi d'ansia postparto - spiega Caroline Larsen, one of the researchers involved in the study - are little known and difficult to treat. But it is increasingly clear that the anxiety while waiting for a baby can have adverse effects on infant health and his behavior in the years beyond. " Prolactin is a hormone that may protect from anxiety. So much so that Larsen and his colleagues have engineered female mice in the laboratory, whereas animals with low levels of this hormone tended to be anxious in the later stages of pregnancy. Thus, in their study, the mice were divided into four samples, ensuring that animals are not eager to raise their cubs but also rodent prey to anxiety and vice versa. "Surprisingly - explain - puberty arrived late for those animals who, while born to anxious mice, were bred from animals that were not victims of the disorder." It's not all. Remained 'Peter Pan' as long as even those mice born to anxious mothers, were raised by animals in the grip of anxiety in the early stages after childbirth. "This means - Larsen points out - the metamorphosis hormone in early pregnancy, as well as changes in maternal behavior that often results can end up affecting brain development of offspring resulting in a delay of puberty."


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