Tuesday, June 30, 2009

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A new study shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables

Mangiare frutta e verdura si sa, fa bene, e con la bella stagione se ne può approfittare perchè i prodotti sono freschi. Un nuovo studio ora dimostra come its daily consumption increases stamina in physical activities. The research comes as usual from the United States and was conducted on a group of students from various colleges. We have seen that physical activity increases the porduzione of quercetin : a compound that is found in large amounts in red apples, red onions, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, green tea and tea neroconosciuto to increase the 'energy at the cellular level and combat inflammation. The volunteers were given every other week and 500 mg of quercetin was measured by the amount of oxygen taken while exercising on a stationary bike and the run time of exercise. Researchers at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, led by Professor Mark Davis noted in the weeks in which students take the supplement quercetin based on an increase in the time spent on the exercise bike and a 13% increase in respiratory capacity of 4% of the volunteers. According to the report published in the magazine 'Sports Nutrition', the regular use of quercetin might help sedentary people for lack of energy to resume and maintain the necessary physical activity.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

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increases physical endurance increases the risk of suicidal adolescents, if you move often

Beware of moving if you have young children, a continuous change of the house may increase the risk of suicide for children once they become teenagers. It 's the discovery made by a group of scholars' s University of Aarhus in Denmark and published in the medical journal satunitense "archives".
The study examined 4,160 Danish children, aged between 11 and 17 years of age, who had attempted suicide (79 of whom had actually committed suicide) and those related to 124 800 adolescents who had never expressed any intention but to make "the extreme gesture." Alarming data emerged: young people who had moved three or more times with their families showed a doubled risk for suicide than other groped. For boys who had moved house even more than 10 times the risk of suicide was equal to four times than normal adolescents with families more stable.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

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They return home to grow sexual diseases in the age group 30-45 years

no longer speak about 'a little' time of AIDS, its devastating effects, precautions for using them, perhaps it is also why sexually transmitted diseases are increasing in the range of aged between 30 and 45 years. It 's the cry of alarm that launched the urologists meeting in Catania for the XXV National Congress of both (Italian Society of Andrology), which closed today się. "In Europe, over the past 9 years, there has been a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, first of all chlamydia, syphilis with a number of cases doubled in 9 years ago, and AIDS with about 4,000 new infections a year - says Vincent Gentile, president of Be-This must make us reflect, especially on the need to provide adequate information to be most affected because they do not are teenagers, but the thirties and forties, "he remarks. "By raising the age that perhaps should be connected to the fact that the traditional family in recent years entered into crisis for the new single, veterans of separation or divorce, you multiply the opportunities to meet, the stories get shorter, unstable and increase casual relationships at risk. " In our country, 19 cases of sexually transmitted diseases in 20 relate to individuals over the age of 25. According to the Italian urologists, to make the problem even more urgent than contributing numerous trips abroad to Europe and immigration, particularly from Eastern Europe and Africa, regions where the incidence of STIs is 100-150 times higher than in Western Europe. The list includes more than 20 diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites - Evidence Aldo Franco De Rose, the urologist Sia - A male in 3 is suffering from ano-genital warts, genital herpes or one in 10 infection Chlamydia, a bacterial 5 has urethra. Significant data, according to the ISS, carrying more than 100 000 specialist visits per year. The primary responsibility is to be attributed to not using a condom, the only tool with which you can do prevention. " This is demonstrated by the results of a study by De Rose in two cities, Genoa and Rome, in a population of 1,872 men and 482 women. 45.4% of males and 17.5%% of women had had occasional reports, of which more than 18.4% (20% women and 18% men) had not used a condom. Investigated the data by age, almost one man in three between 31 and 45 years had had casual sex without condom use (31.4%), compared to 18.5% between 46 and 55 years and 13% tra i 56 e i 65 anni. Tra i giovani dai 18 ai 30 anni, a sorpresa, il 72% dei maschi e l'80% delle femmine aveva preteso l'utilizzo del profilattico nei rapporti occasionali. Infine, il 18% degli uomini e il 2% delle donne che avevano avuto rapporti senza alcuna protezione hanno avuto infezioni da Chlamydia, gonorrea, candidosi, Papillomavirus e Hiv.

Friday, June 12, 2009

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Hypertension, adolescents and children also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis

Anche adolescenti e ragazzi possono soffrire di ipertensione. Non solo anziani quindi a rischio per questa patologia. La colpa è del cibo che rende sempre piu' obesi gli under 18 italiani. Su cento ragazzi 15 sono ipertesi. Per questo la Società europea di ipertensione (Esh) ha deciso di colmare il vuoto di informazioni con un pacchetto di linee guida 'nuove di zeccà e tarate proprio sui più piccoli. Il documento verrà presentato durante il XIX Congresso dell'Esh, in corso da oggi al 16 giugno a Milano, e contiene tutte le evidenze (poche, sottolineano gli esperti) su epidemiologia, diagnosi e terapie, e l'impegno a insistere sulla ricerca in futuro. Gli specialisti ritengono infatti che, nonostante la ridotta prevalenza dell'ipertensione a quest'età, il controllo della pressione in età infantile debba diventare routine, perchè riscontrare elevati livelli pressori in età infantile è predittivo di ipertensione in età adulta. «E quasi sempre è la spia di un problema - osserva oggi durante la presentazione del congresso Josep Rebon, specialista dell'università di Valencia - Dietro potrebbero nascondersi alterazioni a livello dei reni e altri fattori».Secondo Rebon, con la crescente diffusione epidemica dell'obesità infantile, in futuro la situazione peggiorerà. «Prima di tutto - spiega - chiediamo la collaborazione dei pediatri. Oggi, infatti, la pressione non viene mai misurata». La diagnosi precoce è fondamentale, insiste l'esperto, perchè «offre al pediatra l'opportunità di mettere in campo misure preventive, riducendo i rischi. È necessaria una campagna per modificare gli stili di vita puntando su alimentazione sana, basso contenuto di sale, niente fumo e alcol, attività fisica regolare». In some cases it would also need pharmacological intervention. "And here we are confronted with another problem: The younger generation are 'therapeutic orphans. Nothing is known about treatments for this age group and it is difficult to continue studies. One aspect on which we focus in the future, "concluded the expert.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

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, is improved with sport

Good news for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, sport, made in a certain way may reduce the use of anti inflammatory drugs. Miguel Sousa and colleagues, the Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology in Lisbon presented at the annual meeting of the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR) their program those suffering from arthritis: exercises for 50-60 minutes three times a week, including a moderate aerobic activity and strength and stamina. The study suggests that, after three months of training, patients improved in the third parameter that indicates the level of physical function. And again, 62% could reduce the daily doses of cortisone drugs, 32% could stop taking Fans (NSAIDs), 28% earned in high spirits and 48% felt less anxious. "When the joints are stiff and sore, admits Sousa-exercise activity may appear to the patient as anything but desirable. But - he added - our study dimostra che un esercizio fisico aerobico regolare e controllato può rivelarsi estremamente benefico dal punto di vista sia fisico sia mentale. Risultato: una migliore qualità della vita». Secondo l'esperto, «la sfida per i medici è quella di riuscire a motivare il paziente e a rassicurarlo»: la fatica iniziale sarà ripagata.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Anxiety during pregnancy delays the arrival of puberty in daughter born

L'ansia della mamma durante i mesi della gravidanza può ritardare l'arrivo dell' adolescenza nelle figlie. Lo rileva uno studio dell'ateneo neozelandese di Otago, in Dunedin, presentato oggi al meeting annuale della Società di endocrinologia, in corso a Washington. «I disturbi d'ansia postparto - spiega Caroline Larsen, one of the researchers involved in the study - are little known and difficult to treat. But it is increasingly clear that the anxiety while waiting for a baby can have adverse effects on infant health and his behavior in the years beyond. " Prolactin is a hormone that may protect from anxiety. So much so that Larsen and his colleagues have engineered female mice in the laboratory, whereas animals with low levels of this hormone tended to be anxious in the later stages of pregnancy. Thus, in their study, the mice were divided into four samples, ensuring that animals are not eager to raise their cubs but also rodent prey to anxiety and vice versa. "Surprisingly - explain - puberty arrived late for those animals who, while born to anxious mice, were bred from animals that were not victims of the disorder." It's not all. Remained 'Peter Pan' as long as even those mice born to anxious mothers, were raised by animals in the grip of anxiety in the early stages after childbirth. "This means - Larsen points out - the metamorphosis hormone in early pregnancy, as well as changes in maternal behavior that often results can end up affecting brain development of offspring resulting in a delay of puberty."