Saturday, April 3, 2010

Best Thing For Foot Pain


Venerdì 9 aprile ore 18:00 - C.S.O.A. “A.Cartella”, via Quarnaro I, Gallico, Reggio Calabria
Sabato April 10 at 17:30 Literary Café "The Galleon" Albanian Spezzano, Cosenza

YES NO water closet to the right to water for all
Calabria Double appointment for Corrado Oddi Forum National

Beginning in April, the Italian Forum of Water Movements for a new challenge to the owners of water: a major campaign to gather signatures for the promotion of three referendum repeal of the rules that have privatized water.
is necessary even in Calabria, as elsewhere in Italy, create a broad front to counter the policies of privatization and to build a deep-rooted and widespread the referendum campaign: for this We invite all the people, water, consumer associations to environmental groups, from the Catholic world and religious social movements, trade unions from political forces, all and all to support this new battle.
To illustrate the referendum questions and to promote the creation of local committees Public Water Coordination Calabrese "Bruno Arcuri" held a double event attended by Corrado Oddi of the Italian Forum of Water Movements.

Public Water Coordination Calabrese "Bruno Arcuri"


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