NOSTRA PATRIA È IL MONDO INTERO…- DAL LAZIO ALLA SICILIA ESPERIENZE DI LOTTA AL CONFRONTO The poor can steal everything but the dreams (African proverb). So close your speech Kalifa, an African Rosarno workers, deported to Rome after the events of January 7, surviving for two months without a job with the help of basic facilities in the city.
The poor can steal everything, except the dreams. The dream to be free to determine their own lives, to return freely by his family in Africa with no constraints to the documents that tie. The dream of decent working order send them the little bit 'of money that can survive the poverty and disease. The dream of living without having to watch your back when walking down the street, sleeping in a bed and not on a box of fortune to the station ... The dream of being able to have simple desires ...
After the events of Rosarno, the vast, tragic, submerged structural reality of immigrant labor in the countryside of Italy is no longer a condition known to few. The situation in Calabria, Puglia, but also in the plains of Latium, in the stables of Lombardy and Veneto will be seeking for strawberries in Andalucia, or in France, in the Bouche du Rhone. Similar mechanisms because it is similar to the model of agriculture: agriculture time for maximum profit industry supported and encouraged by a half century of public policy.
We think that does not concern us, if we decide to ignore the conditions under which products are tomatoes, zucchini, oranges we buy the supermarket, if we decide not to ask who to quell'euro and a half pay for a kilo of oranges, tarot, when the same are paid 20 cents to producers. Even better, the juice of a euro might seem less attractive if we knew that the fruits from which are produced are bought by wholesalers to 5 cents. More than 600%, from time to increase the value of a fruit as it passes from the producer to the shelves of large retail chains. Meanwhile noi compriamo e così alimentiamo una circuito di sfruttamento che strozza i piccoli produttori al punto di renderli aguzzini, servi delle organizzazioni mafiose e carnefici verso i più deboli, i braccianti del nuovo millennio, ultimo anello di questa lunga catena. Compriamo e foraggiamo chi, forte del monopolio e coperto da leggi razziste, compra a basso prezzo il sangue e il sudore dei lavoratori immigrati.
La solidarietà che ha circondato i lavoratori africani linciati e deportati da Rosarno non può fermarsi all’aiuto materiale, né contentarsi della lotta per la regolarizzazione. È necessario affrontare i nodi strutturali della questione, in una prospettiva di lotta che coniughi lo sviluppo democratico e partecipato di quei territori with the dignity of workers must be able to assert their rights.
Rosarno is no accident. Rosarno is a system in front of which is not enough but is shocked to react, organize, struggle. Together: rural workers, immigrants and Italians, independent producers and consumers of the metropolis. What
collective answers can be given in different areas?
How can we network our experiences and our ideas for disarticulating the racialized hierarchy of the work that contemplates the existence of bands totally devoid of protections and rights? As everywhere
break the wall of silence that surrounds these lives in small arms, no head and no dignity, and guarantees il loro sfruttamento?
Mettiamo in relazione le nostre esperienze e i nostri sforzi perché le realtà solidali nei vari territori, già attive da anni per dare un minimo sostegno ai lavoratori supersfruttati come gli africani di Rosarno, non restino isolate e impotenti
Costruiamo un terreno comune di intervento e di lotta
- Assemblea dei lavoratori africani di Rosarno a Roma
- Enrico Pugliese, Docente di Sociologia del Lavoro, Università La Sapienza di Roma
- Consorzio EquoSud di Gallico, Reggio Calabria
- La Rete Migranti della provincia di Reggio Calabria
- Alcuni lavoratori africani di Castel Volturno
- Centro Jacob, Foggia
- Laboratorio Zeta, Palermo
- Writing Venetian Primomaggio - Sheet for the link between workers, temporary workers and unemployed
- Reading of Mambaye Diop
to follow - public meeting with the ALAR - Assembly of the African workers Rosarno
Bars in Rome and Calabria DINNER SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA
At 21:00 - video-projections
At 21:30 - CONCERT with Mady Dieb (griot and master kora)
Below - dj set Radio Africa (Red Wave - 87.9FM) and TP Africa (Popolare Roma FM 103.3)
Subscribe in support of the Mutual Aid Fund for African workers in Rome
Our Rosarno patria è il mondo intero, nostra legge la libertà
Assemblea dei Lavoratori Africani di Rosarno a Rma -
Osservatorio antirazzista Pigneto Tor Pignattara -
Comitato di Quartiere Pigneto Prenestino –
Csoa exSnia -
Campagna “Non uno di meno”
Per contatti: - CSOA eXSnia - VIA PRENESTINA 173 tram 5, 14, 19 - bus 81, 810, 12N