La lettera de “I Ragazzi dell’antenna” inviata al Sindaco di Cassano Allo Jonio, ai componenti del Consiglio comunale, al Direttore generale ASL di Rossano , al sostituto Procuratore del Tribunale di Castrovillari e ai vertici delle forze dell’ordine
del territorio sibarita.
Tutto è buono uscendo dalle mani di Dio e tutto è degenere nelle mani dell’uomo. Ci dovete apologize if we continue to be repetitive and impulsive, but there are certain things we can not suppress. Each of you deserves respect and esteem, have been elected by the people and we believe that the people deserve an answer, even if our methods have been used against "Hitler".
Mayor, lawyer. Gallo Gianiuca first Citizen of the continuity, what stopped his hand in all these years, we would appreciate an answer from her in person, but since it continues to ignore us the answer we give to yourself, "uncertainty".
The result of this uncertainty is the silence and stillness, in turn, cultivates the lawlessness that now, said with great regret, has taken possession di questa terra.
Sindaco, qui mancano i soldati per la linea dura, ci sono solo generali che danno ordini e spettatori che guardano, in poche parole ci comportiamo come coloro che dicono: “armiamoci e partite”. Ormai sembra di vivere in una società masochista dove ci si gode del silenzio e dell’illegalità, noi abbiamo provato a sfondare questo muro ma abbiamo trovato solo intralci sulla nostra strada.
In questa terra servono misure severe, capacità per farle adottare e rispettare, è stata fatta la corsa dei cento metri ma nessuno ha raggiunto il traguardo, ci siamo perduti per strada e divisi al primo ostacolo, non si ha avuto il coraggio di intervenire con azione tagliente, mirata, c’erano tutti i conditions to reach the goal and instead there will never be the moral fall of the wall, including civil society, various institutions, the schools which have used attitude about our fight that battle against the antenna via telephony Plutarch at Sybaris installed within walking distance of school, with thirty thousand tonnes of zinc ferrite which lie in the plane from more than fifteen years, the asbestos sheets, sleeping on rooftops, their airborne particulates are mortal, the wires high voltage running through the town, you pretend not to listen, here are dying of cancer for incurable diseases, these evils rise day after day, causing a human disaster, many families are scared, they close in their grief and pray for salvation, we avoid other genocides, this country already suffers, we are a people that is disappearing day after day in silence, silenced by the violence, breaking the wings to a better future.
In this country we continue to pretend not to understand or you understand and you can not attend, all these silences destroy the dreams of the people, the smiles of future generations, we want to stop the silence the mouth, the lawlessness we are afraid , our poor country! In the third millennium must still fight for freedom, for the protection of legality, spontaneous words that should prevail and make us happy.
Tutta questa quiete sul caso antenna di via Plutarco a Sibari ci fa pensare ad un tradimento, in tutti questi anni non abbiamo commosso nessuno, in questa battaglia di tutela non ha creduto nessuno, ma forse qualcuno si è commosso anche se non può parlare perché non ha il dono della parola, ci si riferisce all’antenna stessa, imposta a stare lì sulle nostre teste; ma se potesse parlare direbbe sicuramente la verità.
Siamo classificati come paese “civile” ma cos’è la civiltà se mancano il diritto di tutela della salute, il diritto alla legalità, non si può trascurare o non si può far finta di dimenticare ciò che stiamo rivendicando da oltre sei anni, ognuno di noi chi più or less must be accountable for its actions.
We like to think that the clock could turn back time, to return to the past and be able to execute the orders for the decommissioning of the cited quell'impianto because in our opinion, if it works, could be considered a lethal weapon that could take possession of our life, depriving us of our freedom.
We want to repeat once again that we are not against anyone nor against technology, but that no one and we love this technology should not be against us. We believe we have been scrupulous in specifying that evil is better to prevent than cure. There
are in a grip of a revolutionary crisis, continuing this path will not have ever tamed this land of freedom we dream of the rights claimed. We want to remember that we never lose confidence in the justice and the men who administer. We hope that our dream is also their dream, a dream that sees Prince legality.
We call, therefore, the directors of Sybaris, Leo Trevino, Claus, to help us get a response on these issues, grabbing, holding and supporting our cause which is of collective nature and concerns the whole of our community very closely.
the other day going towards the school, commenting on the case antenna, a girl answered, "In our land there will never be a final push, a radical change in policy, thinks only of his business, there are important issues that are never faced, which no longer speak, so never mind one may worry about an antenna or even the ferrites of zinc, but what bother you go? Let it be, now, not listening anymore. We are now just a nation of dreamers, but we are only dreams that are denied because the powers that be win here, illegal, better sit quiet, I joined the battle and you'll always be on your side and especially agree with your ideas ". We
applauded, having heard these words, we thanked her for her valuable support and encouragement we have reiterated that our dignity does not sell anybody and we will continue to stand tall and fight claiming our and your rights.
Mayor, I think, as mayor she has full power to enforce any ordinance, any measure, his power is above every organ in the territory that administers especially when you should ensure the protection of citizens and resolve environmental problems but apparently she was flying over these measures let the silence take over trying to pass these difficult cases in the background.
Deputy in charge, six years is sitting on that same chair, do not worry we are not uncomfortable thought to apply for the prize of happiness for the many problems solved in honor in protecting the environment, we can not forget what he has done for us and for the entire community, thanks dott.Bruno, if the winner will withdraw the prize and we will deliver it to him in person, is quiet and comfortable, enjoy happiness.
Prime Minister, Dr. Garofalo, carnival is over, the time for jokes is over, here's a state of emergency, there are memories that can not be erased easily, let's break this silence, remember that our project there is always waiting to be brought to Council for discussion and approval, if you forgot to remind you once again of what we speak, stay calm and listen to us "plans where to place these repeaters and Transfer selected sites and in due time by law. " Do not forget that
can not pretend not to understand, walk directly to the concrete things.
Even the opposition parties can not pretend not to hear us, you are also aware of what we are talking about six years, expects your support and that we should discuss the case with antenna, not a problem to be underestimated, nor is a personal problem affecting the whole community, expects a response to your specific and definitive.
In case anyone felt offended we are ready for comparison can not wordlessly, you can not do experiments on our lives, let us stop here with this silence is an environmental emergency, an emergency of life and death. Certain values \u200b\u200bcan not be silenced. All together stop these wagons, laden with human lives, we are bringing in the death camps.
Sibari March 8, 2010
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