Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stores To Buy Fingerboards In Usa

Pictured from left:
  • Fabio Fornaciai ( Galleria Tornabuoni )
  • Paul Ace ( Councillor FiorGen Onlus),
  • Vasco Galgani ( FiorGen Onlus President and President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence )
  • Superintendent of archaeological,
  • Giuseppina Carlotta Cianferoni ( Director National Archaeological Museum of Florence )
  • Leonardo Tenori ( Researcher FiorGen Onlus )

article on page 20

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Am Lost In Mt. Coronet

The Country Catalogue for Art Research 2010


Size 6 Mb

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pokemon Solid Gold And Pure Silver

Cronaca di Andrea Nacciarriti

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Masquerade Unique Invitations

The 7th Busan International Video Festival

Silvio Giordano Invited between 21 international artists from KimRachel Jinsu b Sungok curator of the Art Museum at The 7th Video Art Festival in Busan Korea at art space bandee (Busan, Korea) The festival is divided into two sections: Competition and call of international artists.
국내 경쟁작
-Korean Artists Competition

해외 추천, 선정작
Recommendation, Selection-intermational Artists

Cheats To Planetary Pinball

Macrolane per aumentare il seno, iniezioni senza chirurgia estetica

The breast augmentation is, together with liposuction, the cosmetic surgery more 'made the world much more' of the face lift. Today we talk about the possibility of increasing their breasts without, however, the surgeon's knife, or through injections of hyaluronic acid with Macrolane breast , but we now step back.

The surgical breast enhancement is in the 'insertion of two implants in the breast near the chest muscle. The surgery itself is quite simple and has a low risk factor (the conntroindicazioni are always present, ranging from postoperative infection and capsular contracture). The point however is this: given that this is a real surgical operation will bisgono a series of pre-operative analysis, 's anesthesia with a scalpel incision in the inframammary fold for the insertion of implants and the recovery post op. All things that many women do not want to face. Not to mention the fact they do not want a foreign body, an implant in his chest.

Here comes to the aid of hyaluronic acid. In our body serves to give flexibility and form connective tissues and the dermis. Hyaluronic acid can be used as filler for wrinkles, lips or cheeks to fill the shooting, but also to add volume to the breast. In practice, the surgeon or specialist, through injections, introduce the substance directly into the breast, which will take more shape.

This is a non-invasive surgery, which does not need a scalpel, etc. general anesthesia. Only 2 drawbacks are represented by:
-temporary: the Macrolane for the breast, this is the trade name of the product will be absorbed by the body within 6 / 8 months for the breast will again have the same volume after the first period
-the patient can 'increase of only 1 size, a size and a half of the breast. Without the use of implants unfortunately you can not have 2 or 3 more size ', in this case you need the breast.

The price for a breast augmentation with Macrolane or an equivalent product made with hyaluronic acid is approximately € 1500/2000.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Denonreceiver Hdmi No Audio

Origins of my studies on hypnotic language: 01

For many hypnotists hypnotic language derived from the likes of Milton Erickson. I do not exclude that many tips were received from this particular character and enterprising of his students from the most talented. In fact, Rossi, Bandler and others recognized in him a good excuse to make themselves known and to generate profit. Some of the books questi autori e studiosi ritengo siano buoni lavori e considero il successo pervenuto un giusto seguito.

Devo altresì riscontrare che gli ipnotisti citati non hanno inventato le abilità linguistiche di sana pianta. Quindi la mia ricerca si sposta, includendoli comunque, in vari studi e applicazioni. Dallo studio dei set di antichi ipnotisti, ai loro capolavori, alle opere letterarie di maggior fama e peso, tutto può aiutarci a far delineare il pechè un certo tipo di linguaggio diventa persuasivo e seduttivo e infine (o da principio) ipnotico. Mano a mano inserirò nei miei interventi degli squarci di come ho schematizzato alcuni modelli verbali e non verbali da utilizzare per rendere le nostre parole scritte o parlate increasingly able to bring agreement and consensus.

before you leave from time to time in small and technical tours on the extrapolation of the hypnotic structures of certain works and certain writers or public figures, I would urge all fans (not so much of hypnotic language but what really There you can get) to analyze the as some people use to communicate to others and to the outside to be persuasive and seductive. Invitation to always strive for concrete: you study something for mere curiosity or maybe he can get something? Between the two possibilities I think it is better to marry them both, the choice is yours ...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ross Kemp On Gangs Stream Online


The material it is made this sculpture, centralized in itself a shade of chrome with elegant overall effect of chiaroscuro, all enlivened by a handful of stones valuable.

Louis Zucconi
The Guardian
Raku Ceramics, 21x31x26

Tummy Exercises To Get Skinny In A Night

Piero Luigi Viti Giuseppe Verdi

expressing Geometry and produce images that give dynamic perceptual effects, the to give the color a purely estetica-creativa.

Piero Viti
La busta polemica mail-art ritorno
Tecnica Mista, 42x30

Problems With Mink Blankets

Un’esperienza coraggiosa e moderna in quanto in sincronia con il tempo spirituale, culturale e morale che il mondo d’oggi, attraverso travagli non indifferenti, continua a vivere.

Monica Verdiani
Giorni belli di rigore e abbandono
Tecnica mista su cartone, 38x38

Pokemon Leaf Green Rom Gameshark Mac

Monica Venturini

Si fondono con forza drammatica ed insieme lirica, realismo essenziale ed immaginazione umanistica pervasa da un’inquietudine che spinge l’artista in un dettato emozionale della realtà.

Giuseppe Venturini
Studio per Come Topi
Carboncino, 62x70

Royale Vista Ii Dawnladen

Marilina Vatteroni

Natura morta personalissima, tending to solve the structure of the image because of the color, with the exceptional richness of color in a way that uses so bold.

Marilina Vatteroni
The quince
Mixed technique, 50x70

Friday, October 29, 2010

Leica Cl Neoprene Zing

ECOBRAIN: immaginazione, pensiero, stimolo di energie.

Rimini, 03 - November 6, 2010
ECOBRAIN: imagination, thought, energy stimulation.
Ecomondo - Rimini Exhibition Centre - Hall B4
an initiative of Project EcoArt by Martina Cavallarin

"Packaging's Life" from Silvio Giordano on Vimeo .

at the Fiera di Rimini, 3 to 6 November 2010 takes place Ecomondo, 14th International Trade Fair of Material and Energy and Sustainable Development. Ecomondo is the most important exhibition on green technology and new lifestyles, meeting place between industry and environmental sustainability and institutional stake holders, trade associations, government, NGOs, and all types of 'industry and production of goods.
EcoArt Project presents the prestigious area Ecomondo of a major project of contemporary art, entitled "EcoBrain", curated by art critic Martina Cavallarin, a place of imagination, thought and stimulation of energy, produced with the support of Acea SpA, Kaspersky Lab Zerotecnica Ltd.

EcoArt Project is a cultural platform ( of an international force that through the creative artists' aims to increase the focus on environmental issues. Its activities involving people, businesses and institutions to inspire at all levels, attitudes and behaviors that are aimed to save the planet. The varied ways the commingling of the contemporary and contamination are essential for growth and multiplication.

For this reason, the presence of EcoArt Project Ecomondo and becomes an instrument of common benefit and gradual opening of possibilities. For companies it EcoArt Project represents an opportunity to be open to a kind of collaboration with a strong cultural roots, investing in creativity and development associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress, a better quality of life and a sustainable approach in the relationship with the planet earth.

EcoBrain, held in eight hundred square meters in Hall B4, is a collective mark in ethics, energetics, ecological sustainability, studied the accumulation of works created with languages, codes and materials belonging to the themes of social and bio-diversity.

The works of video art, photography, sculpture and environmental installations are: David & Eron Salvadei Federica Gif, Piccinini Serena, Ulrich Egger, David Sebastian, Elena Del Fabbro, Francesca Pasquali, Angelo Bellobono, Federico Arcuri, Joseph Ciracì, Minzi Stefano, Gianni Moretti, Svetlana Ostapovici, Andrea Morucchio, Marina Giannobi, Francesco Bocchini, Vernocchi Mattia, Guido Scarabottolo, Paolo Buzzi, Serafino Maiorano, Devis Venturelli, Silvio Giordano, Chiara Lecca, Matteo Sanna, Stefano Scheda, Barbara Born, Germano Serafini, Kojj Yoshida & Dario Tironi.

The exhibition is grafted into a site for a hybrid mixture of styles and intentions in the mood
contamination and differences, creating a place designed to accommodate the outcrop of the meanings of a new humanism.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Poptropica How To Get Cool Outfits

Come fare per non russare la note, i rimedi

Snoring during sleep is bad for those who suffer and who is next. This is a real disease, sleep disorders , which not only shows character related to noise nuisance, but there are risks to health. Those who suffer from loud snoring apnea in fact often goes for several seconds and this leads to fatigue the cardiac system. People who suffer from heart disease or a predisposition may have serious damage from these constant interruptions of breathing.

There are many in Italy who suffer from this disease and are wondering how to not snoring during sleep, what are the remedies?

Why do you snore?
Russian Who does not shrink because the airway, at which point the air that is pushed through more quickly causing those fastidiosi fischi e gorgoglii che chi sta accanto ad un russatore avverte molto bene.

Rimedi per il troppo russare:
se il russamento è lieve, sono utili i cerotti da applicare sul naso : grazie alla forma anatomica e alle due strisce flessibili, allargano i passaggi nasali. Questa azione meccanica migliora il flusso dell'aria e aiuta respirare dal naso invece che dalla bocca.

Su consiglio medico, si può ricorrere anche a speciali apparecchi ( due bite gemelli anatomici ), uno per l'arcata superiore e uno per quella inferiore, che si conformano alla dentatura, che spostano in avanti la lower jaw: only a few millimeters because the air flow to the lungs without vibration, and therefore no noise.

Not snoring, however, you should not go to sleep on a full stomach (wait at least 2-3 hours after eating) and, if possible, raise the mattress open parenthesis, for example, putting a pillow under enclosed in parentheses so that the head remains lifted 2-3 cm over the foot. Also try not to sleep on your back, belly to 'air, improves the situation of snoring, sleep better side on one side.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brent Corrigan Free Downlod

9 Ottobre 2010 Giornata del contemporaneo

Orfeo Hotel info for contemporary art project

Lord Of The Rings Online Private

Accendi la tua creatività

year 2010 / 2011


For those who love art, the course offers the opportunity for children, teens and adults to free their creativity by providing technical knowledge and practical ideas for learning fun and easy painting techniques more widely, from the simplest ones, such as watercolor and tempera to the most demanding and refined like oil. Getting to grips with the proper tools of the painter's passion for art, as well as being a hobby, may stain colors more professional.

Children (7 to 14 years)
Course duration: annual
frequency: 2 days per week
life lesson: 2 hours
month cost: 40 €
fee: 30 € for adults

Course duration: annual
frequency: 2 days per week
life lesson: 2 hours
month cost: 60 €
fee: 30 €

Creative Writing Course This course is based on the keywords "free" and "creativity" and part of the spontaneity and freedom to provide then the keys and the construction of the text for its decoding. The writing is therefore of experience marked by the lightness of the calviniana memoria, non quella che può far pensare ad un approccio superficiale alle problematiche connesse con la difficile arte dello scrivere.

Orfeo hotel contemporary art project offre la possibilità di scegliere fra:

Laboratori di scrittura narrativa: romanzo, racconto.
Laboratori di scrittura poetica.
Laboratori di scrittura teatrale e cinematografica.

Per bambini (6-14 anni)
durata del laboratorio: 3 mesi
frequenza : 2 giorni a settimana
durata lezione: 2 ore
costo mese : 40 euro
quota di iscrizione: 30 euro

Per adulti
durata del laboratorio: 3 mesi
frequenza : 2 giorni a settimana
durata lezione: 2 hours
month cost: 60 €
fee: 30 €

illustration course

Dedicated to children and adults who are able to imagine and to transfer their ideas onto paper by drawing from the more traditional figurative the more stylized and visionary use in cartoons and comic new generation, we propose a course that can teach how to make a story illustrated with the most modern techniques such as digital coloring. For the little one starts from a job on a broad gestures closely related to their body image which becomes a new dynamic in play.

For children (8-14 years)
duration of the workshop: 3 months
frequency : 2 giorni a settimana
durata lezione: 2 ore
costo mese : 40 euro
quota di iscrizione: 30 euro

Per adulti
durata del laboratorio: 3 mesi
frequenza : 2 giorni a settimana
durata lezione: 2 ore
costo mese : 60 euro
quota di iscrizione: 30 euro


Corso base
(batteria, basso, chitarra acustica ed elettrica, organo e canto).

Dedicato a chi vuole imparare a suonare uno strumento o a cantare e desidera ottenere risultati in breve tempo e imparare subito accordi e ritmi per accompagnarsi nelle serate con gli amici.

Durata del corso: annuale
Frequenza : 1 giorno a settimana
Durata lezione: 1 ora
Costo mese : 50 euro
Quota di iscrizione: 30 euro

Corso Avanzato
(batteria e percussioni, basso e contrabbasso , chitarra acustica ed elettrica, fisarmonica francese e tradizionale, violino, piano, canto)

Dedicato a chi già suona uno strumento, ma vuole approfondire la sua conoscenza in ambito musicale sia sotto l'aspetto teorico che pratico, imparare a leggere la musica e conoscere più da vicino i vari generi musicali dalla musica classica al blues, dal jazz al funky, al rock al latin. Inoltre il corso può essere utile come approccio propedeutico all'ingresso in conservatorio.

durata del corso: annuale
frequenza : 1 giorno a
week Lesson duration: 1 hour + 2 hours once a month for music theory
month cost: 80 €
fee: 30 €


Dedicated to those who want to express their creativity through photography and the video, to acquire the necessary technical expertise using professional equipment, exploring the poetics of the great artists who express themselves through these media and thus be able to realize their ideas by turning them into works.

duration of the workshop: 3 months
frequency: 2 days per week
life lesson: 2 hours
month cost: 60 €
fee: 30 €

Contact: Hotel Orfeo
contemporary art project
Contrada letterbox 14

vodafone tim 3389599361 3476078890

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just One Spot With Herpes

Sensoralia 2010

Sensoralia 2010 Apre Giovedì 23 Settembre con LAURENT GARNIER e una selezione video del REWF (Tra Cui Water Monitor by Silvio Giordano Vincitore Videoart REWF) al Club Bracalone (Roma)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Onestep 600 Flash Hot To Use

hypnotic language to capture what you want

elements of hypnotic language are a powerful resource and special

With hypnotic language can not be only induce a mild state of hypnosis or deep. What is much more extensive and useful. It can indeed induce those who want to enter a particular state of acceptance of our stimuli. Intend to stimulate ideas, proposals, requests and more.

The person who has very strong ambitions to reach the great things can use it widely.

With the tools of hypnotic language the average person, without advanced study of hypnotism and advanced persuasion may use advanced strategies to get what they want from others without induction were hypnoid laboratory.

Let's talk about persuasion maximum, maximum consensus and acceptance of what is proposed to our external stakeholders.

with hypnotic language can
achieve important goals

in the field of love, TRA and working in the field of treatment and relationship in general. Mostly use it for education than for other advertising, there are those who makes' use in sales and those in business education. Without forgetting the thousands of people worldwide use the method of hypnotic language for seduction, relationships and sex.

Simple and gradual learning hypnotic language to everyone. With simple manual books, audio and video support entirely in Italian language (recent news), the ordinary citizen can achieve high levels of advanced persuasion.

Imagine that these skills
succeed in all this .. What can lead to incredibly

improved in the common life of all days?

Not only doctors, hypnotherapy, hypnotist, politicians, leaders, managers, industrialists, speakers, etc. using these techniques (as many of them already do) but also the lady or girl or the common student with the professors, the guy with the desired woman, the woman with the man who does not line up, the clerk and orders, all!

The hypnotic language is now within reach of
anyone willing to invest time and passion to
achieve what so far has not fully achieved.

Everyone dreams of and there's almost always need to convince others to join. Due to the extreme conviction of those who want to help in any situation, we can begin to make our life renewed by invincible weapons and techniques almost unbelievable.

do not have to tell you that everything has been studied for decades using methods in hypnotic language review the skills of great communicators of the past and present, great personalities and great people who can get almost everything almost by almost everyone. Enough to reach deep states of hypnosis in scientific and certified surgeon.

The "hypnotic" means not only hypnosis and trance
in the classic sense of the term hypnosis
means communication to the highest level, effective communication, persuasive communication, strategic communication and
that really works.

begin the simple and natural way to obtain what by now is only in the drawer of dreams. Let's do happen! Hypnotic language is available to anyone who wants to use, you need to act!

For an introduction to the basic elements of hypnotic language you can receive our free stuff. To receive our free no need to continue our commitment to full path you can take the free ebook and the rest of the bonus seplice sending us an email:

Receive our free introductory ebook
inviandoci richiesta con una semplice mail
lo staff

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Toddler Stomach Virus December 2009

Natural or Hypnotic? But is it for?

Per sedurre una persona abbiamo bisogno di comunicarle qualcosa che la attragga a noi

Ciò può accadere in modo spontaneo o in modo pianificato.
Sappiamo bene che le cose fatte 'a caso' non sempre sono ottimali. Invece se capiamo bene cosa attrae una persona possiamo cercare di forzare un po' il sistema to get the attraction needed to bring the people want.

The speech is long and intense but in this article I want to make people understand that language is one means that if used properly can be very useful. The tool is language used to communicate things rational. Sometimes it is used to communicate emotional things.

We are interested all you need to something about it then I will tell you that the language should be used in order to achieve what we desire. How? Well, we have,
  • First, know what we want to communicate,
  • in the second instance we need to know the linguistic structures necessary to convey the maximum possible impact that message
I will forward it to other items. For the moment I would like to introduce the concept that with persuasive language, I could also define hypnotic language, we can in the best way forward as efficiently as possible our messages.

To hypnotic we mean not only what sends hypnosis. But what is useful to fully convey something so that it is understood, then fully accepted.

Hypnosis and hypnotic words that are used here to show that we are talking about practical elements with maximum efficiency. If hypnotics are then they will be least efficient. The hypnotic linuaggio

allows us as soon as possible to access the mental part of our party so as to leave an established and accepted concept.

not magic. It is not manipulation. Effective communication is merely persuasive.

Seduce and with it the whole seduction is an art which is certainly facilitated by language skills and strategic. There are many good natural but the fact remains that a wise use of language and speech, together with the rest, accelerates the process of a lot of wins. All that I want to be clear before proceeding to the presentation of strategies and mechanisms that allow us through hypnotic language to improve our seduction, good or bad, the direct method or indirect method that you want.

Remember that the language I speak is persuasive and seductive when paired with the transmission of the right concepts. These skills are only the means. The aim is the conquest of others. The message must be something that makes us' good potential to capture a desired partner.

Then follow more of my articles to increase your power seductive and persuasive. And remember what you want to pursue with passion, dedication and fun.

soon ..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Maggiano's Baked Ziti And Sausage Recipe

Intervista Proiettile a Silvio Giordano by Mauro Savino.

Photo in digitale è anacronistica. Ha perso l’innovazione da tempo.

Sei sempre consapevole di quello che fai? Faccio talmente finta di esserlo che finisco con il crederci davvero.

Nomade o monade? Demone

Mefistofele-Faust o Mefisto-Tex? Io propongo “Abaddon” che in ebraico sta per Perdizione. Abaddon il re dei Demoni o anche detto il re dell’esercito delle cavalette dell’apocalisse.

Fai videoarte per vedere di nascosto l’effetto che fa o per pagarti il parrucchiere? Con la video art does not pay you even cigarettes figuramoci a haircut.

produce works that will survive: it is a misfortune or a blessing? The losers live to produce works that will make them immortal. Luck is to survive themselves.

Monitor 'sensitive' and plastic 'living': a good buy or are you a natural visionary?

No, others have the good stuff and everything looks excellent lysergic including my work. In practice, it is all a misunderstanding.

craftsmen and artists.

Many aspire to be artists, artisans, many Artists know that they are not only craftsmen.

artist and genius.

The most abused phrase of my generation is "you're a genius. ... Just have a Canon EOS 550 and a picture of a naked woman with a fish saunguinante in hand and you're a genius. But what is genius if not the one who fulfills the wishes of the master? A compliment should be ashamed.

Read books on biology. In order to understand masochism, or the politicians?

I only watch the pictures and I fill my mouth with words such as sequential hermaphroditism, rabditogene cells, fibronectin and eukaryotes.

The game art.


The game of life.

not take itself too seriously.
Jobs in your area and then you move. How do you feel with the Frecciarossa?

The times when I traveled secretly in the toilet are gone ethic background or my super ego interfering. ... But considering how much the red arrow is past time that the rebels back to visit me so autocratic.
How long does it take to get the lace?

time an interview
and to dry your hair?

I have the wig.
E per i cappelli?

Mai asciugato un cappello.
Pilato o pelato?


Guarda….stasera ferma qualcuno per strada è chiedigli il nome degli apostoli..non li ricorda nessuno. Giuda invece ha avuto la capacità di far associare in maniera eterna il suo nome a quello di Cristo. Nomini Gesù e nomini anche Giuda. Il suo nome fa coppia con un dio incarnato.
L’arte e la società.

Ferma qualcuno per strada e chiedigli chi è Jannis Kounnelis oppure Richard Prince, forse ti risponderà che è un cantante, e ti dirà con tono sprezzante che è anche frocio. L’arte e la società sono scollati, l’arte contemporanea è ancora un mondo piccolo e autoreferenziale.
Dove compri gli occhiali?

Li ho rubati al dottor Zivago
Uccidi il fumo o il fumo uccide?

Mi sembri Marzullo.
L’imperfetto nell’arte.

Tutta imperfetta. La matematica e il corpo umano si salvano.
Trovi tuo figlio in bagno che si fuma un cannone ascoltando death metal.

I figli replicano gli errori dei padri. Però gli direi “adesso esci, I need the bathroom for me to lace "
find your daughter who masturbates in the bathroom listening to death metal.

"Even the bathroom occupied? Should I dry my hair "
find your woman who masturbates in the bathroom listening to Berlusconi.

realizing that the bathroom is a place that leads to ruin.
Blondes or more?

Have you ever heard of the seven mathematical puzzles of the millennium? Well I would add that too.
It 's more serious excess sebum or absence of pubic hair? I am passionate about

Entomology and the Psychology Cosmetics I miss her.

God is everywhere, inside you, outside of you, just do not close the bathroom too.
Vito Acconci.

brilliant in some of his interviews.
Doug Aitken.

cinema too, too many lights, too many screens.
Gillian Wearing.

Like, I love the social and anthropological studies in video art.
Gigi D'Alessio.

It is said that the screams of pain of a man locked inside the Iron Maiden are comparable only to voice of Gigi D'Alessio.
Hitler Wojtyla. Obama Bin Laden. How do you rate the change?

not expect a Chinese and I rate as U.S. President and a woman as Pope
Before or after?

The first is history, after I was disappointed. It has never existed. Where's the future suggested by Fritz Lang or Neuromancer Gibson? Where the city of Blade Runner? where is this future? There is still much less infibulation synthetic intelligences and flying machines. I will die without seeing the future. Too bad.
Ben cooked or soft?

Mai had a crush on so soft. My love affairs are hard.
Beer or wine?

long as you drink!
What do you think when you work?

I think if I were a female suicide bomber I would do the breast stuffed with nitroglycerin and not silicone. Very professional do not you think? The last time I thought instead of patenting the wire intercerebrale which is a kind of dental floss to pass between the folds of the brain to remove debris / negative thoughts.

What do you think when the statement arrives?

was against it.


Not in the video.

Trick or treat?

Dolcetto otherwise ends in brawl with the children.

Color or heat?


Friend of a woman or a woman for a friend?

prefer the friend of the woman of my friend.
You design and paint too. When do you sleep?

you really know? ... In vigil I am doing something very strange and sometimes disturbing. I unconsciously stroking her arms and chest. I do not know, it seems that I take care of me when I sleep.
The oral tradition is a form of culture or an ancient art? Both

the end who makes you do?

As I said once we come out of the darkness and return in the dark with no answers .. but at that moment of time called life but something must be done before the mediocrity and boredom in their black hole swallow us.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How To Shave A Brazilian

Videococktails. Rassegna di videoarte


0 14

false false false

Videococktails is nothing but an attempt to bring an audience less experienced in a more complex medium such as video, which is not always the only moving image is enough to understand the aesthetic purpose and a media artist. Medium increasingly used by younger generations in a contemporary context where it seems no longer counts as the final product as the idea rooted in it, where the passing of stills is the ability to resolve first the stillness of the painting of the same photography and second, the forced synthesis which are required. A path that thought by Marcella Ferro Pasquale Ruocco and tickling the viewer's attention that, once again, will ciated art in a liquid Settembrina evening. The exhibition will remain open until Saturday, September 18.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bmi Females From Another Country

Festarte Videoart Festival

Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome - Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4

III International

invisible violence

private normal "mso-tstyle-rowband-size: 0; mso-tstyle-colband-size: 0; mso-style-noshow: yes; mso-style-parent:" "mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin: 0in; mso-para-margin-bottom: .0001 pt; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: "Times New Roman" mso-ansi -language: # 0400; mso-Fareast-language: # 0400; mso-bidi-language: # 0400;}

off Wednesday September 15 at

Rome at the new space


The Pelanda


Testaccio (ex-Slaughterhouse)

FestArte VideoArt
Festival, produced by


Over 500 artists from 60 countries worldwide participated in the competition. significant numbers for a complex content and important confirmation of the dissemination and use of video art today, its expressive potential and easy dissemination, also because of an increasingly numerous. a strong grip, the 'original theme "invisible violence - private

, public, social

has stimulated work designed ad hoc and, in some cases, has led artists to share their experiences, feeling the need to accompany videos with Normal 0


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Packaging's Life by Silvio Giordano will be in the living room "area Monitor

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

12 Y You Model Pree Treens

2e édition de la Journée du Film Bricolé!

The video "Packaging's Life" by S. Giordano to second édition de la Journée du Film Bricola! Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE. (Selected by Videoformes)

http://it.c / read / 00034434414bf4e3cfaeb
The authors of the 2010

Maya Yonesho , généreuse Réalise expérimentale
, c'est la forms volcanique de l'association Kino

Steve Zourray est de Montpellier, et c 'est
here to aiguille vers nous son travail

Aschehoug , et sa poésie mordante leur studio est à la maison: Sweet Home Studio et ils ont fait travailler... Léonard (da Vinci)
Armelle Mercat vient "de chez nous", mais elle a traversé l'Atlantique dans les deux sens

la marseillaise nous envoie des films qui font

Luis Briceno
, c'est un chilien

, ça fait 20 ans qu'on cultive le bricolage avec professionalisme

Généreux, décalés, pêchus... on les adore... c'est OK go !!

Ozan Adam

est turc, il fait des films échappés d'une autre dimension - sélection

Caméra ETC
, les belges pédagogues

David B
sa passion du ciné au sud d'Ambert

Liu Wei
est chinois, son film remarquable (et remarqué!) nous vient de la sélection
un Belge fan de patates, ça existe: Yoann Stehr

Silvio Giordano

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ulcer On Gums Would It Be Painful

Quando riprovare a fare un figlio dopo un aborto, il prima possibile

When you try to have a baby after an abortion? as soon as possible. At least according to a study by the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) published in the journal 'British Medical Journal'. This statement is in contrast with the international guidelines that recommend that you wait at least six months before trying a second attempt. Indeed, the survey shows that involved 30 000 women, get pregnant again within six months from abortion ensures the best possible conditions to become pregnant without any problems .

Researchers have pointed out when examining the data of about 31 000 patients who had an abortion between 1981 and 2000: from analysis found that conceiving a child within six months after the negative experience of having lost another reduces the risk of problems during the nine months, having to resort to caesarean section at birth or giving birth to a premature baby. The whole when compared with the situation of women getting pregnant again waited from 6 to 12 months after the abortion. This applies in particular, notes lead author of the research, Sohinee Bhattacharya, "for women already get older. In a patient of 35 years, for example, would definitely recommend trying again within six months, unless you are having problems such as infections.

here in your search query in English

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What To Wear On Burns Night

Un tuffo nell’acquario di Silvio Giordano

Photo Portrait Silvio Giordano, Valentina Bianchi credits by
  • posts from Lobodilattice
  • Interview by Maria Teresa Melodia
  • After-depth interview, mostly Life's a
  • Packaging
  • , winning work Celeste Prize 2009, find the artist Silvio Jordan, this time as best talent in the video art, awarded to the second edition of Romaeuropa WebFactory, a creative workshop that captures and enhances the talents of all Internet users who express their creativity on the Web . The competitors shoot a video on water with the possibility of using the clips provided by the original REWF Jordan and impressed the judges with a video, entitled Water Monitor, 3 / 2948 / leaving the boundaries of the already seen. A work that is presented in the form of digital aquarium, sensitive to external stimuli. Handling between the real and digital, that brings out different points of view, in a playful swing of cause and effect.
  • Monday, July 12, 2010

    Harrow Squash Rackets


    Dear Mr. Gibson, I wanted to make known that the vast majority of the community of San Lorenzo Valley is opposed to the sale of the castle. No personal statement. The castle is not to be sold either to her or to anyone else.
    The decision to sell the castle is a unilateral proposal of Mayor Luciano Marranghello, as a result of his political failure, economic, cultural, social and personal I would say. He indebted the town and now, as economic and political revenge, seeking the "scoop" with the sale of the castle. Marranghello The mayor has already sold the sports field, the abattoir and the commons, has squandered the public money with parties and small parties, denounced the citizens (Losing all processes), removed and reinstated employees and municipal officials, has reduced the streets of the town like a sieve (there are holes that you enter in as a child), has destroyed the culture (did not reopened the library, has stormed the headquarters of "The Castle", etc..) wants to install an incinerator in the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural Fedula (hamlet of San Lorenzo del Vallo). Mr. Gibson
    you should know that the Castle of San Lorenzo del Vallo has no garden. It is true that it is located in a scenic area between the Monte Pollino, the Ionian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Plain of Sybaris, but it is equally true that our territory is daily bombarded with: U Zinc buried underground (Cassano Ionian Cerchiara of Calabria), ships of poisons (Tyrrhenian Sea), electromagnetism (15 antennas only in the district of San Lorenzo del Vallo), dust falling from the sky from sansificio Tarsia, caused by dioxin strewn everywhere a fire in a factory tires, illegal dumping and trash varies. The antenna for mobile located at the cemetery, in particular, for many years has blown up the mechanics of electric squeezers (other than to have breakfast with fresh milk from cows).
    Dear Mr. Gibson, the social and cultural movements that I have the honor of being the coordinator, continued to emphasize the struggles and battles for the castle and claim that it shall not be sold to any condition. The Castle is our history, our roots. The powerful of the time (1600-1700), the Alarcon-Mendoza-Della Valle, who used the Castle for their residence, they had to conduct a despot. Do you think Mr. Gibson that if a citizen of San Lorenzo was allowed to cut wood in the grounds of the powerful was arrested and locked up in prisons obtained on the ground floor of the castle. The prisoner release came only when his wife gave a powerful guy. Today someone has taken their teachings and through different methods and issues, it behaves the same way.
    Castle must be valued according to the rediscovery of cultural and social of freedom as a place for debate, discussion and social gathering space. Therefore, the Castle is the people and the people must remain at all costs.
    Dear Mr. Gibson here we are all angry, because, in the village says that it is preparing a protest that will involve all the people of Calabria as the cultural heritage in question has been declared a National Monument and then the public interest that the Castle ruins of public property and not private. Here
    Mr. Gibson now that he knows the truth can choose to come and live in San Lorenzo del Vallo, or stay in America.

    Vincent Giordano (former Coordinator of the Civic Committee pro Castle " e
    Presidente dell’Associazione di Promozione Sociale “Il Castello”).
    N. B.: ho comunicato questa lettera via e-mail all'attore Mel Gibson presso la sua casa produttrice di Beverly Hills.

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    Does Jeff Hardy Have A High School Education

    ZOOart 2010

  • ZOOart 2010
  • The international review ZOOart, in its ninth edition this year, opens Thursday, July 1 at 21.00 and will take place at the historic site of the Giardini Fresia, Cuneo, 1 to July 18.
  • Thirty-four young artists, national and international Art.ur selected by the editors of the Association, will present many ad hoc interventions.
  • 1 to July 4 from 21 hours to 24.00 Videozone
  • Water Monitor 2010 by Silvio Giordano (Video Art Award winner Celeste 2009)
  • Packaging's Life 2010 by Silvio Giordano (Rome Europe Winner Video Art Web Factory )
  • Deformography
  • 2003 by Silvio Giordano
  • Saturday, June 12, 2010

    Can You Buy Liver Of Sulfur At Michaels

    YOUNG BLOOD Le giovani eccellenze Italiane del 2009

    YOUNG BLOOD 09. Annual of the Italian talent award in the world, arrived at the Third Edition,
    Presented Thursday, May 27, 2010 in the spaces of MACRO FUTURE in Testaccio, Rome. With the support and patronage of the Minister of Youth, published by the group of FM and curated by Daniela Ubaldi, made by the editorial staff of Next Exit

    The Young Blood 09 is an investigation, a magnifying glass on the new direction of our industry culturalee on the renewal of the made in Italy. Art, architecture, design, fashion, advertising, photography, graphic design, illustration, comics, movies, video, and web communication. Silvio Giordano is present in the 'YOUNG BLOOD as the winner of the Premio Celeste 09 with the video's Life Packaging.

    The annual will be distributed by the end of June at the Bookàbar c / o Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, the book Design c / o Milan Triennale and the Feltrinelli International, Via Zamboni, Bologna, will also be purchased online at http : / / .