Photo in digitale è anacronistica. Ha perso l’innovazione da tempo.
Sei sempre consapevole di quello che fai? Faccio talmente finta di esserlo che finisco con il crederci davvero.
Nomade o monade? Demone
Mefistofele-Faust o Mefisto-Tex? Io propongo “Abaddon” che in ebraico sta per Perdizione. Abaddon il re dei Demoni o anche detto il re dell’esercito delle cavalette dell’apocalisse.
Fai videoarte per vedere di nascosto l’effetto che fa o per pagarti il parrucchiere? Con la video art does not pay you even cigarettes figuramoci a haircut.
produce works that will survive: it is a misfortune or a blessing? The losers live to produce works that will make them immortal. Luck is to survive themselves.
No, others have the good stuff and everything looks excellent lysergic including my work. In practice, it is all a misunderstanding.
Many aspire to be artists, artisans, many Artists know that they are not only craftsmen.
The most abused phrase of my generation is "you're a genius. ... Just have a Canon EOS 550 and a picture of a naked woman with a fish saunguinante in hand and you're a genius. But what is genius if not the one who fulfills the wishes of the master? A compliment should be ashamed.
I only watch the pictures and I fill my mouth with words such as sequential hermaphroditism, rabditogene cells, fibronectin and eukaryotes.
The game art.
The game of life.
not take itself too seriously.
Jobs in your area and then you move. How do you feel with the Frecciarossa?
The times when I traveled secretly in the toilet are gone ethic background or my super ego interfering. ... But considering how much the red arrow is past time that the rebels back to visit me so autocratic.
How long does it take to get the lace?
time an interview
and to dry your hair?
I have the wig.
E per i cappelli?
Mai asciugato un cappello.
Pilato o pelato?
Guarda….stasera ferma qualcuno per strada è chiedigli il nome degli apostoli..non li ricorda nessuno. Giuda invece ha avuto la capacità di far associare in maniera eterna il suo nome a quello di Cristo. Nomini Gesù e nomini anche Giuda. Il suo nome fa coppia con un dio incarnato.
L’arte e la società.
Ferma qualcuno per strada e chiedigli chi è Jannis Kounnelis oppure Richard Prince, forse ti risponderà che è un cantante, e ti dirà con tono sprezzante che è anche frocio. L’arte e la società sono scollati, l’arte contemporanea è ancora un mondo piccolo e autoreferenziale.
Dove compri gli occhiali?
Li ho rubati al dottor Zivago
Uccidi il fumo o il fumo uccide?
Mi sembri Marzullo.
L’imperfetto nell’arte.
Tutta imperfetta. La matematica e il corpo umano si salvano.
Trovi tuo figlio in bagno che si fuma un cannone ascoltando death metal.
I figli replicano gli errori dei padri. Però gli direi “adesso esci, I need the bathroom for me to lace "
find your daughter who masturbates in the bathroom listening to death metal.
"Even the bathroom occupied? Should I dry my hair "
find your woman who masturbates in the bathroom listening to Berlusconi.
realizing that the bathroom is a place that leads to ruin.
Blondes or more?
Have you ever heard of the seven mathematical puzzles of the millennium? Well I would add that too.
It 's more serious excess sebum or absence of pubic hair? I am passionate about
Entomology and the Psychology Cosmetics I miss her.
God is everywhere, inside you, outside of you, just do not close the bathroom too.
Vito Acconci.
brilliant in some of his interviews.
Doug Aitken.
cinema too, too many lights, too many screens.
Gillian Wearing.
Like, I love the social and anthropological studies in video art.
Gigi D'Alessio.
It is said that the screams of pain of a man locked inside the Iron Maiden are comparable only to voice of Gigi D'Alessio.
Hitler Wojtyla. Obama Bin Laden. How do you rate the change?
not expect a Chinese and I rate as U.S. President and a woman as Pope
Before or after?
The first is history, after I was disappointed. It has never existed. Where's the future suggested by Fritz Lang or Neuromancer Gibson? Where the city of Blade Runner? where is this future? There is still much less infibulation synthetic intelligences and flying machines. I will die without seeing the future. Too bad.
Ben cooked or soft?
Mai had a crush on so soft. My love affairs are hard.
Beer or wine?
long as you drink!
What do you think when you work?
I think if I were a female suicide bomber I would do the breast stuffed with nitroglycerin and not silicone. Very professional do not you think? The last time I thought instead of patenting the wire intercerebrale which is a kind of dental floss to pass between the folds of the brain to remove debris / negative thoughts.
was against it.
Not in the video.
Dolcetto otherwise ends in brawl with the children.
Friend of a woman or a woman for a friend?
prefer the friend of the woman of my friend.
You design and paint too. When do you sleep?
you really know? ... In vigil I am doing something very strange and sometimes disturbing. I unconsciously stroking her arms and chest. I do not know, it seems that I take care of me when I sleep.
The oral tradition is a form of culture or an ancient art? Both
the end who makes you do?
As I said once we come out of the darkness and return in the dark with no answers .. but at that moment of time called life but something must be done before the mediocrity and boredom in their black hole swallow us.
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