Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jaw Operation Before And After Does It Hurt?


Over 30 thousand tons of toxic waste from the south of Crotone Pertusola were buried in Sybaris Sybaris and Cerchiara and precisely. Here lie the notorious for over 14 years in the districts of zinc ferrites Three Bridges, Prainetta, etc., while more than 128mila tons do not know the final destination of their journey ended, most likely, in the fundamentals of our streets, in the walls of schools, homes and hospitals, our campaigns to fertilize the soil of the fertile plain of Sybaris and enrich its aquifers of death.
Over the last few years have soared cases of excessive hormonal and reproductive disorders and cancer with fatal results. The cancer mostly affects the organs of the gastro-intestinal tract and the genito-urinary system, ie those directly related to what we eat and drink.
The underground has been a very heavy concentration of heavy metals, carcinogens and toxic, however. For example: Enea
according to the analysis, conducted in 1999, lead had a concentration of 31,915 mg / kg while its tolerable value is 100 mg / kg;
zinc but had a concentration of 24000 mg / kg compared to its tolerable value of 150 mg / kg.
were also analyzed some crops whose fruits contain amounts of arsenic, zinc, lead and other toxic and carcinogenic to say the least alarming and intolerable to the human organism. I am therefore
past 14 years since the polluted sites have been discovered, but the zinc ferrites are still there to poison. Yet
Sybaris and its surroundings were included in the list of Crotone with sites of national interest to be reclaimed and restored, the government has allocated approximately € 4.5 billion to carry out the removal and remediation of ferrites, the Calabria region has indicated At the town of Cassano as leader of the communes of the Ionian Cerchiara and Francavilla di Calabria, assigning the task to issue a first call for tenders and to identify a company that carries out the waste characterization.
But everything is still standing, the ferrites are still there and tarps that were laid on the sites for the "safety measures" are, years later, visibly damaged.
Not even the people concerned have reacted vigorously against the lenient attitude of those who had to defend the institutional environment and protect public health. Yet the deaths
uncontested pace and hit the families of our community affected by silence and fatalistic sloth passività.
Alla luce di tutto questo, senza volere entrare nel merito dello scarica barile fra Ministero dell’Ambiente, comune di Cassano Allo Ionio e Regione Calabria, lasciando agli organi giudiziari il compito di individuare i responsabili e responsabilità, abbiamo costituito a Sibari un Comitato civico spontaneo che abbiamo denominato “Comitato per la tutela dell’ambiente e della salute pubblica”, composto da semplici cittadini, esponenti delle associazioni, dei partiti politici e delle istituzioni, avente come unico scopo la sensibilizzazione e la mobilitazione dell’opinione pubblica, al fine di mettere sotto pressione il Governo e gli organi istituzionali periferici, i quali devono assolutamente ripristinare il diritto di cittadinanza delle nostre comunità, procedendo immediatamente e senza tentennamenti alla rimozione delle ferriti e alla bonifica dei siti interessati.
Inoltre la Regione Calabria deve dare istantaneo mandato all’ASP di Cosenza di effettuare l’indagine epidemiologica sui casi di tumore, già prevista per Crotone, anche nella Sibaritide.
Infine il Governo deve celermente avviare la ricerca delle altre 128mila tonnellate di ferrite di zinco ancora latitanti.
Renderemo noto pubblicamente nei prossimi giorni il calendario delle iniziative in itinere invitando forze politico-sociali, le associazioni, le istituzioni e la cittadinanza tutta alla mobilitazione generale della Sibaritide e dell’Alto ionio.

Sybaris, November 17, 2009
Committee for environmental protection and public health

(Press Release)


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