Sunday, November 29, 2009

Greet Your Brother With A Holy Kiss

La sindrome di Tako-Tsubo, simile all' infarto ma non è

La sindrome di Tako-Tsubo soprannominata "broken heart - Broken heart "or" infarcted heart syndrome "has the same symptoms of a heart attack or coronary syndrome: lack of difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, pain or tightness in the chest. In this disease was discovered in 1991 in Japan if they have discussed in the meeting in Lucca "CardioLucca 2009." According to experts, representing 1% of all cases of heart attack and usually affects post-menopausal women aged between 58 and 75 years, but more and more the young people who come to the emergency room with all the symptoms of stroke. It seems to attack for doctors: a blood test that detects an increase in necrosis of cardiac muscle enzymes el 'electrocardiogram that has a path altered. But the proof that this is not a heart attack comes with angiography, which was negative. If the coronary arteries are healthy and there are no thrombus nor plaque, there is no doubt: this is the Tako-Tsubo syndrome, so named by the Japanese, who have described for the first time, to assume the shape of the left ventricle heart ventriculography in systole to a jar from the narrow neck and wide body, called "tako-tsubo", used by Japanese fishermen to catch octopus. The mechanism of the disorder is little known, but it can trigger after intense emotional stress in 33-45% of cases, or physical in 17-22% of subjects. The hypothesis is that the nervous system simpatico, che risponde al comando 2scappa e fuggi", responsabile di accelerare per esempio i battiti del cuore, gli atti respiratori, le contrazioni del nostro intestino, vada in tilt perchè si è stressati, depressi o ansiosi. Il suo superlavoro fa produrre sostanze pro-infiammatorie, che restringono il lume dei vasi sanguigni, producono i micidiali radicali liberi e provocano un danno forse anche cellulare, sebbene momentaneo, al cuore. La cura si avvale di terapie ansiolitiche e di supporto al cuore. Di solito il muscolo cardiaco in pochi giorni recupera le sue energie e ritorna a pompare con forza il sangue.


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