Sunday, November 29, 2009

Greet Your Brother With A Holy Kiss

La sindrome di Tako-Tsubo, simile all' infarto ma non è

La sindrome di Tako-Tsubo soprannominata "broken heart - Broken heart "or" infarcted heart syndrome "has the same symptoms of a heart attack or coronary syndrome: lack of difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, pain or tightness in the chest. In this disease was discovered in 1991 in Japan if they have discussed in the meeting in Lucca "CardioLucca 2009." According to experts, representing 1% of all cases of heart attack and usually affects post-menopausal women aged between 58 and 75 years, but more and more the young people who come to the emergency room with all the symptoms of stroke. It seems to attack for doctors: a blood test that detects an increase in necrosis of cardiac muscle enzymes el 'electrocardiogram that has a path altered. But the proof that this is not a heart attack comes with angiography, which was negative. If the coronary arteries are healthy and there are no thrombus nor plaque, there is no doubt: this is the Tako-Tsubo syndrome, so named by the Japanese, who have described for the first time, to assume the shape of the left ventricle heart ventriculography in systole to a jar from the narrow neck and wide body, called "tako-tsubo", used by Japanese fishermen to catch octopus. The mechanism of the disorder is little known, but it can trigger after intense emotional stress in 33-45% of cases, or physical in 17-22% of subjects. The hypothesis is that the nervous system simpatico, che risponde al comando 2scappa e fuggi", responsabile di accelerare per esempio i battiti del cuore, gli atti respiratori, le contrazioni del nostro intestino, vada in tilt perchè si è stressati, depressi o ansiosi. Il suo superlavoro fa produrre sostanze pro-infiammatorie, che restringono il lume dei vasi sanguigni, producono i micidiali radicali liberi e provocano un danno forse anche cellulare, sebbene momentaneo, al cuore. La cura si avvale di terapie ansiolitiche e di supporto al cuore. Di solito il muscolo cardiaco in pochi giorni recupera le sue energie e ritorna a pompare con forza il sangue.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Workright Shower Door Catch

BASTA BUGIE! BASTA PRESE IN GIRO! AVVIO IMMEDIATO Of the reclamation and safety of the territory! BORN IN A

Calabria is now more than ever, a victim of operations and devastating actions that threaten to permanently every ecological balance and social conditions of communities, making unviable Calabria. Pollino
From the Straits, the list of complaints of this tormented land becomes increasingly long in fact, how tragic, and the "discovery" of the ship to lose is just the tip of an enormous submerged iceberg.
He can not do yet another attempt of sinking and screening set up by the national government: the more than 30 thousand people who attended the demonstration on October 24 Amantea, confirmed that the Calabrian have acquired the knowledge of living on poisoned land.
So in the valley of the river Oliva, in Crotone, in Praia, in Sibaritide as nell'Aspromontano: our mountains and seas for years performed the task of enormous waste landfills are "cumbersome". Unfortunately, the plunder of the territories is also evident in the sellout of our resources for the benefit of the appetites of the great international capitalism.
So here we are the most important multinational in the world in the management of environmental services, la francese Veolia, a farla da padrona su settori vitali come la gestione di acqua e rifiuti. Così assistiamo all’ imposizione di inquinanti impianti di produzione energetica in una regione che da decenni ne esporta grandi quantità.
Scelte dissennate, incuria e avidità, sono tra le principali cause del dissesto idrogeologico che caratterizza i nostri territori: la tragedia che ha colpito il messinese poteva essere assolutamente evitata se si fosse messo davanti a tutto la sicurezza della popolazione. Le tremende alluvioni che hanno causato frane e morti e le mareggiate che hanno devastato le nostre coste lo scorso inverno, avrebbero già dovuto mettere in guardia chi di competenza: poco o nulla è stato fatto per rimediare ai tanti disastri, certainly nothing for the safety.
Given all this, we are forced to face yet another challenge: 's announcement of the first stone of the bridge over the Strait, a farce that has lasted forty years, which has already cost over 520 million euro, unable even to get the approval of the final draft. As citizens
Calabrian we are tired of being humiliated by institutions and businessmen, to see our land sold off for their interests. No more false promises!
We want the money for the bridge are used immediately for the deployment of security and rehabilitation of our territories, we want the Calabria region gives a strong signal that goes in questa direzione uscendo dalla Stretto di Messina SpA; vogliamo che il Governo dia risposte concrete alle emergenze concrete!
Come associazioni ambientaliste, movimenti, comitati calabresi ci incontreremo il 6 dicembre, a Lamezia Terme, per coordinare meglio le nostre forze e risorse sparse in tutto il territorio e unificare i nostri sforzi nella difesa di questa terra.
Per rispondere alla beffa natalizia saremo il 19 dicembre a Villa San Giovanni, per dire No al Ponte sullo Stretto.
many places one voice!

organized by the Movement October 24 (Other Lamezia / ARCI Crotone / Compare Asst / Asst Paolab / University Association "Udu Cosenza" / Common Goods Cosenza / csoa A. Folder / House of the law-Lamezia / CGIL Amantea / CIB Unicobas / Collective University "P2 - Employment / Collective University Socio-Political-Cultural Filol.8 - Shares Manifesto / Civic Committee Natale De Grazia / Civic Committee Oliva Valley Terre Losing / Public Water Coordination Calabrese" Bruno Arcuri "/ FORA Cosenza / Environmental Forum / Asst environmentalists "hedgehog" - Castrovillari / Movement "Earth, Air, Water and Freedom" Crotone / Environmentalist Movement of the Tyrrhenian Sea / Project Unical University - "University Controversial" / Network No Bridge / Red Cetraro / Rua Sao Joao - Lamezia Terme / TerritoRioT)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jaw Operation Before And After Does It Hurt?


Over 30 thousand tons of toxic waste from the south of Crotone Pertusola were buried in Sybaris Sybaris and Cerchiara and precisely. Here lie the notorious for over 14 years in the districts of zinc ferrites Three Bridges, Prainetta, etc., while more than 128mila tons do not know the final destination of their journey ended, most likely, in the fundamentals of our streets, in the walls of schools, homes and hospitals, our campaigns to fertilize the soil of the fertile plain of Sybaris and enrich its aquifers of death.
Over the last few years have soared cases of excessive hormonal and reproductive disorders and cancer with fatal results. The cancer mostly affects the organs of the gastro-intestinal tract and the genito-urinary system, ie those directly related to what we eat and drink.
The underground has been a very heavy concentration of heavy metals, carcinogens and toxic, however. For example: Enea
according to the analysis, conducted in 1999, lead had a concentration of 31,915 mg / kg while its tolerable value is 100 mg / kg;
zinc but had a concentration of 24000 mg / kg compared to its tolerable value of 150 mg / kg.
were also analyzed some crops whose fruits contain amounts of arsenic, zinc, lead and other toxic and carcinogenic to say the least alarming and intolerable to the human organism. I am therefore
past 14 years since the polluted sites have been discovered, but the zinc ferrites are still there to poison. Yet
Sybaris and its surroundings were included in the list of Crotone with sites of national interest to be reclaimed and restored, the government has allocated approximately € 4.5 billion to carry out the removal and remediation of ferrites, the Calabria region has indicated At the town of Cassano as leader of the communes of the Ionian Cerchiara and Francavilla di Calabria, assigning the task to issue a first call for tenders and to identify a company that carries out the waste characterization.
But everything is still standing, the ferrites are still there and tarps that were laid on the sites for the "safety measures" are, years later, visibly damaged.
Not even the people concerned have reacted vigorously against the lenient attitude of those who had to defend the institutional environment and protect public health. Yet the deaths
uncontested pace and hit the families of our community affected by silence and fatalistic sloth passività.
Alla luce di tutto questo, senza volere entrare nel merito dello scarica barile fra Ministero dell’Ambiente, comune di Cassano Allo Ionio e Regione Calabria, lasciando agli organi giudiziari il compito di individuare i responsabili e responsabilità, abbiamo costituito a Sibari un Comitato civico spontaneo che abbiamo denominato “Comitato per la tutela dell’ambiente e della salute pubblica”, composto da semplici cittadini, esponenti delle associazioni, dei partiti politici e delle istituzioni, avente come unico scopo la sensibilizzazione e la mobilitazione dell’opinione pubblica, al fine di mettere sotto pressione il Governo e gli organi istituzionali periferici, i quali devono assolutamente ripristinare il diritto di cittadinanza delle nostre comunità, procedendo immediatamente e senza tentennamenti alla rimozione delle ferriti e alla bonifica dei siti interessati.
Inoltre la Regione Calabria deve dare istantaneo mandato all’ASP di Cosenza di effettuare l’indagine epidemiologica sui casi di tumore, già prevista per Crotone, anche nella Sibaritide.
Infine il Governo deve celermente avviare la ricerca delle altre 128mila tonnellate di ferrite di zinco ancora latitanti.
Renderemo noto pubblicamente nei prossimi giorni il calendario delle iniziative in itinere invitando forze politico-sociali, le associazioni, le istituzioni e la cittadinanza tutta alla mobilitazione generale della Sibaritide e dell’Alto ionio.

Sybaris, November 17, 2009
Committee for environmental protection and public health

(Press Release)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Best Prosumer Camcorders For 2010

new project room
di Elisa Laraia

venerdì 20 novembre 2009

Orfeo Hotel contemporary art project nasce nel 2004 a Bologna come Project Room, opera d’arte in progress di Elisa Laraia. Dopo un’intensa attività espositiva, nel 2007 si trasforma in studio virtuale,
, all’interno del quale si progettano opere per istituzioni pubbliche e privati, con un’attenzione particolare per progetti di public art, installazioni site specific e performance teatrali. Orfeo Hotel è parte di Art Factory Power Basilicata.A the project room opens to become a new space in the city, within which travel across the world of contemporary art, exploring it through gatherings such as Arthe, accompanied by the pleasant discussions, aiming to satisfy curiosity and create input for orientation in the major events of contemporary national and international players to learn and discuss with them, to attend courses to broaden their knowledge, engaging in creative ways, visual and literary, a place where they could compete on art as investment cultural and market expertise to start with collecting.

dynamic paths in 'Arte Contemporanea Travel

Design works ad hoc courses

depth meetings with artists



Contrada letterbox 14

Friday, November 6, 2009

Cervicl Musoc Before Period


All associations Amantea organizers of the event last October 24, asking that it be provided to the Ministry of the documentary evidence of marine exploration and laboratory testing performed on samples taken from the ship "Ocean Sea" which operated off Cetraro to detect the possible presence of a ship loaded with radioactive waste as revealed by sources regretted.
Waiting to assess directly, through technicians trust and comparative analysis, asking to dispel all doubts and perplexities addensatisi on a story full of contradictions. And to bring this to the Minister Prestigiacomo the following questions:
1 - How can a person not of the place, as Francis Wells, was aware of the presence of a wreck in the seabed of Cetraro exactly the place you found?
2 - Why this wreck, if known by the Navy and Coast Guard, was not reported in due course of the investigation to the Attorney Giordano owner?
3 - Why are there differences between the characteristics of the wreck of the steamship Cetraro and Catania? The latter, according to the manufacturers' data, was 95.8 meters long and the official length of the wreck, comunicata dal Governo, è pari a 103 metri. I dati differenti del piroscafo Catania sono ben noti e riportati nel registro navale della World Ship Society e pubblicati dal sito specializzato Miramar Ship Index. Gli stessi identici dati sono pubblicati anche sul sito specializzato nella storia degli U-boat (
4 - Perché dai registri navali risulta che il piroscafo Catania venne affondato almeno a 3,2 miglia di distanza dal punto dove la “Mare Oceano” stava effettuando le verifiche. Un punto più a largo di circa cinque chilometri, non qualche centinaio di metri.
5 - Come mai le foto e le riprese video effettuate dal Rov della Nave Oceano sembrerebbero diverse da quelle realizzate dal Rov dell’Arpacal?
6 - Why has not yet been made public throughout the movie made by Rov georeferenced of the Ocean Sea?
7 - Why did the Minister, even before it emerges from the Rov of Geolab waters, announced that the wreck could not be that of Cetraro Cunsky?
8 - What happened to the drums or windsocks Rov sent back by the Region of Calabria, and why have not been recovered and brought to the surface to test the alleged truth?
9 - Why is the Minister Prestigiacomo has been said that the "case closed" without even sure of the ship's cargo?
10 - Why were only reported data on the radioactivity of the analysis carried out 300 meters depth in spite of the wreck is at over 480 meters? This difference has a significant effect since the gamma radiation have a different screen depending on depth. For example 170 meters generate a level of shielding by a factor of 3 * E126. So even in the presence of several pits of nuclear reactors and radioactive contamination is not easily detectable.
11 - Why, despite the formal request from the Calabria region, has not been communicated to the Protocol adopted to carry out scientific tests on the wreckage on the seabed and the surrounding waters?
12 - Why were not performed at the outset, the necessary investigations into the food chain of animals fish and sediments of the seabed in order to detect the presence of radionuclides and / or contaminants of various kinds? This is to reassure the public in case of any feedback negative or vice versa proclaim a state of emergency in order to make use of the compensation in case of positive feedback (in the light of previous investigations that have feared such a possibility)?
13 - Why the story of the wreck of Cetraro was adopted a different approach from that used for the investigation of contaminated material found in the valley Olive where the analysis will be conducted on samples taken from four different laboratories, while on the ship Ocean is not was allowed to enter, if not for a few hours, the researchers dell'Arpacal?
14 - Why such a hurry to close the investigation and send away the ship and ocean, given the local presence of the boat, he would have continued to sound throughout the surrounding sea Cetraro?
15 - Why the Port of Cetraro in 2007 gave the order for prohibition of fishing for a few hundred meters from the place indicated by sources, after trials carried dall'Arpacal which indicated the presence of heavy metals such as alarming ' arsenic, cobalt and chromium on fish? And why that ordinance was withdrawn a year later? It would be useful to communicate the results of that analysis.
16 - Why have not been applied even in Cetraro recent legislation (Law 123/2008 and Law 210/2008) which are classified as strategic sites of national interest in areas where toxic wastes are disposed of or identified and / or harmful?
ask the Minister Prestigiacomo whether he is aware of the movies made in 2005 - 2006 on behalf of the Attorney Paola company Nautilus and ask what they have filmed and to publicize these films.
17 - Why to comment on the results of the findings made by the vessel Ocean were the Attorney General and Minister Prestigiacomo DNA Pietro Grasso, and not the owner of the investigations?

associations, committees and the organizers of the movement 24 October Amantea: Civic Committee
Christmas De Grazia / Environmentalist Movement of the Tyrrhenian Sea / Environmental Forum / Common Goods Cosenza / Red Cetraro / WWF-Belmonte C. Amantea / Paolab Association / Association Compare / Civic Committee Oliva Valley Lands to Lose / CGIL Amantea / CIB Unicobas / Kill All anti-mafia movement

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Wrestler Online Gratis


is a massacre. In Sibaritide, in a piece of the province of Cosenza in Cerchiara between Sybaris, you die of cancer much more than elsewhere in Italy, even more than in the rest of Europe.
causes? Thousands of tons of illegally stored zinc ferrite, buried in the soil from the crime organized.
It's an emergency, almost every family lost at least one member affected by cancer. And there is no doubt that behind those deaths there are those toxic waste.
toxic waste managed by the crime, and the local authorities know this. It also knows the state. But it is more than a decade that no action is taken.

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