Thursday, October 15, 2009

Examples Of Programs For Church Aniversary

Meno ansia, depressione e mal di schiena per chi live near parks and green spaces

Le persone che vivono vicino a parchi, spazi verdi o gardens have a lower rate of anxiety, depression and a better state of physical health than those living in urban areas. These are the results of a study by Dutch researchers.
The scientists examined the medical records of more than 345,000 people in the Netherlands and calculated the percentage of green space near homes of patients. For citizens who could count on a 10% green space within a radius of 1 km from their homes, the prevalence of anxiety disorders was 26 cases per 1,000 in those who had a 90% Green cases were reduced to 18 instead of 1,000. " Better health is achieved thanks to the 'fresher air, to' opportunity to relax thanks to the parks, to socialize or to the possibility of exercising, although more research is needed to confirm this theory , "said Jolanda Maas and colleagues of the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam.
" The role green spaces for the daily health should not be underestimated, "the researchers wrote in the study published in the journal of the British Medical Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. The survey also found fewer cases of depression, heart disease, back pain and asthma among those living near parks and forests. The link between green space and health was greater for children and persons with low incomes, the latter have a lower rate of mobility and thus spend more time nearer home.


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