walk wondering, say more than twenty years in many communities scattered all over the world, committed to being recognized institutions in their own right to exist and live with dignity.
is what we ask, associations and movements together with the Roma community of Cosenza, in a time of recognition and respect for the dignity of people and communities just do not want to hear about! And we do not mean only in Rosario, Via Padova, Castel Volturno, Corigliano and elsewhere we refer also to Cosenza, where many have said that is imminent dismantling of Roma camps near the river sites Crati.
Recently, during a meeting attended by associations, movements and social realities we have discussed extensively e intendiamo partecipare quanto è emerso.
Chiediamo che la data del 1 marzo, giorno entro il quale è previsto lo sgombero dei campi, venga sospesa e che si costituisca, invece, un’assemblea permanente aperta a tutti i cittadini, le associazioni, i movimenti, l’intera società civile, al fine di elaborare, insieme ai Rom, proposte concrete per costruire ‘dal basso’ percorsi di inclusione sociale che si pongano in aperta controtendenza rispetto al diffuso clima di negazione e rifiuto dell’Altro.
In tal senso, sosteniamo che la realizzazione di un campo attrezzato rappresenti un primo passo per il riconoscimento della dignità e dei diritti di una comunità perseguitata over the centuries and even today discrimination. We want to create a space within which to test models of virtuous co-existence and mutual recognition based on shared social rules.
We appeal to the competent authorities, the Prefect, the President of the Calabria Region, President of the Province of Cosenza and Cosenza City to take on, more immediately, our request for suspension of the measure, as proposed by the Bishop of Cosenza openly Mgr. Nunnari.
We encourage all citizens and the authorities to take part in a public discussion, together with the Roma community, to be held in Cosenza on 26 February 2010.
is time to mobilize the conscience!
Palace Bruzi
Caritas Cosenza, Cosenza Community ROM; Popilia Cultural Circle; Nonviolent Path, National Immigration Commission PRC-SE; Stella Cometa; Center Tell Immigrants Radio Ciroma; Ass Fata Morgana; Ass Women ecological commons Committee Cosenza, FORA; Ass La Kasbah; Officine Babylon Ass Baobab; Mo.CI ong; Ass San Pancrazio; Bruzio Relief; Provincial Co Cosenza Left ecology and freedom Ass Green Track; Latin America Community, co-essence, CGIL Camera del Lavoro in Cosenza, Calabria Regional MOVI.