The Tower of Asian ongoing project design, writing and music collective
by Lorenza Colicigno, Fabio Fornasari, Giuseppe Iannone, with the participation of Mario Gerosa. January 29, 2010 Presentation of the artist's book "The Tower of Asian" "Tower to tower, "video of Elisa Laraia, Orfeo Hotel Contemporary Art Project
17.00 - Institute" Francesco Cavazza, Via Castiglione, 71 - Bologna
The event
The presentation of a book can be described as a contemporary art event? If the book is a work of art, which revolves around a performance in progress, involving multiple languages \u200b\u200bprovided opportunities to experiment with communication between avatars and people, the definition of contemporary art event seems appropriate. As such it is proposed the presentation of the artist's book "The Tower of Asian", a book-roll designed by Fabio Fornasari aka Asian Lednev, builder of the Tower in Second Life.
The event will include a lecture by author-characters, accompanied by music and ad hoc Albamarina Matterhorn Paolo Ferrario. "Tower to Tower", audio-visual installation by Elisa Laraia, Orfeo Hotel contemporary art project, lead the creative tension generated by writing in a continuum of visual and sound sensations.
The artist's book "The Tower of Asian" will be presented Jan. 30 in Rome at the Higher firefighting, in Kublai's camp, and as a result of Galante pacts in coffee, streamed in Second Life. The project
"The Tower of Asian" Concept
There is a place where images and words come together to form unusual landscape, crisscrossed by filaments milky paths vertically by stories of stories. These landscapes vertical counts in Second Life, the place of narrative and storytelling itself, where the borders of memory and imagination to expand beyond belief. The center of the novel-installation, with its edge of music and video, and the tower, a main ingredient of everything else.
"The whole earth had one language and few words. Emigrating from the east men chanced upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said one to another, "Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly. Used brick their stone, and bitumen for mortar. And they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make a name, lest we be scattered all over the earth." But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one language
alone, this is the beginning of their work and now how they plan to do will be impossible for them. Then go down and confuse their language because they do not understand one another's speech. The Lord scattered them from there
over all the earth and they ceased building the city. For this reason it was called Babel. " (From the Bible, Genesis 1, 1-9). Today
this dispersion has reached extreme levels, to alienation and incommunicableness, but in the contemporary global village, it has generated for this new desire to communicate and understand each other, that is the media and key channels and the Web platform Internet 2.
Only a collective novel, in which languages, weaves and styles multiply and combine, separate and conflicting, may return the contemporary Babel. E 'is the objective of the writers group, which, according to the law of randomness governed by love for writing and art for more than a year to work together inventare un intreccio di tempi, luoghi e personaggi, affidandosi alle parole, alle immagini, al design, alla musica, al video.
Una nuova Babele, dunque, in cui l’intreccio di lingue e di storie è talmente complesso da non poter essere raccontato con una sola lingua e ad un solo popolo. Il romanzo “La Torre di Asian” si propone come il luogo simbolo di una città contemporanea, protesa verso il cielo per rifondare la sua origine, con la consapevolezza di una nuova libertà possibile.
Struttura del Romanzo
Il 1°, l’8° e il 16° cap., scritti da Lorenza Colicigno aka Azzurra Collas, costituiscono i punti di raccordo delle molteplici storie scritte dai singoli autori in the intermediate chapters, with many points of view, plots and narrative solutions as there are writers. Today, the writing of the novel has reached the 11th chapter. This patchwork of multiple and sometimes conflicting stories is the global history, a reflection of Babel of languages \u200b\u200band histories, individual and collective, at the age of advanced technology as possible or impossible, each story presents a solution other than fiction, but there are pressures to the aggregation of three stories woven around dominant. Records and narrative genres are manifold and even contradictory, but all seems to predominate, until this point, the register of irony and genre of the novel d’investigazione. Grande rilievo ha nella costruzione del romanzo il ruolo dei lettori, che possono intervenire nel dare un orientamento e un senso alla Storia Globale. Tale ruolo è simbolicamente interpretato nel romanzo dallo scrittore/lettore/personaggio Aldous Reader. Realtà promotrici Orfeo Hotel contemporary art project di Elisa Laraia, artista Orfeo Hotel contemporary art project nasce nel 2004 a Bologna come Project Room, opera d’arte in progress di Elisa Laraia, artista nata a Potenza nel 1973, che vive e lavora tra Potenza e Bologna. Elisa Laraia porta avanti la sua ricerca sullo scambio identitario nello spirito della condivisione con altri artisti. Dopo un’intensa attività espositiva Bologna, from 2007 Orpheus hotel turns into virtual studio,, within which design works for public and private institutions, with particular attention to projects of public art, site specific installations and theatrical performances projects, developed through a careful investigation on the contemporary collective. The setting of research and experimentation Hotel Orfeo contemporary art project encourages interaction from time to time with new national and international artists. From 2006 to 2008 Hotel Orfeo contemporary art project with Comunicattive Agency and 04 has installed in the Bologna exhibition of contemporary art by women "Art for Art's shake" from 2009 si occupa della progettazione e coordinamento del LAP - Laboratorio permanente di Arte Pubblica a cura di Roberto Daolio, il laboratorio occupa gli spazi urbani della Città di Potenza. A Potenza Orfeo Hotel è tornato ad essere una project room, uno spazio nuovo nella città, all’interno del quale viaggiare nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea.
ZeroGiKappa, Fabio Fornasari, Maurizio Giuffredi, Fernando Torrente Con la denominazione Zerogikappa (0gk: zero gradi Kelvin) l’associazione Zerogikappa vuole innanzitutto suggerire la possibilità di scambi e contaminazioni tra la sfera dell’arte e ambiti apparentemente lontani come la fisica, la fisiologia, le neuroscienze… Zero gradi Kelvin also evokes the starting point, always renewable, each time you search, in our case given the relationship between art and so-called "different abilities". But
zero degrees Kelvin refers mainly to the absence of light and, by analogy, to the world of the blind. A world that we listen carefully, always guided by extremely sensitive antennae of those who see art and artists. We do not pretend to teach the blind what art is, but we try to make it possible for everyone without barriers, enjoyment of art. We can do this because much of contemporary art not only tends to be synesthetic, but above all, radically questions the dominance of the secular of view.
Editors of "The Tower of Asian"
Lorenza Colicigno, creator of the collective novel in Second Life. He lives and works in power. Writer, professor of creative writing. Publicist. He is interested in all forms of communication, orality to multimedia. With a collective group of women writers of the "Scriptavolant", founded by her, was in the collective writing project "The power of Eymerich" total kz001 Novel, edited by Kaizen Bacchilega publisher, 2005. He has published poetry, fiction and nonfiction. Leads creative writing workshops in schools, libraries, libraries, archives, online and in Second Life. Second Life has designed and edited the draft collective writing "The Tower of Asian ( He edits the website / blog
Fabio Fornasari, architects, builders of the Tower in Second Life and author of the book-roll "The Tower of Asian." performs his professional activities, mainly dealing with projects that put the show and tell at the center of their work: museological productions, publishing projects, installation projects. Use the time to press for publishing stories visual design theme: the weather, the landscape etc.. Alterna professional practice with teaching at the Faculty of Sociology, University of of Urbino "Carlo Bo", the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna None William (Joseph Ianniello), MacEwan Writer, net-ective of "The Tower of Asian." He works as a director for RaiUno. He has written radio plays for Rai Radio3. In 2007 some of his photographs were included in the volume originated in the network "Street Art and the War on Terror ', London, UK. Join the online project "@ Hyb minds" and their anthologies edited by Mimesis, in 2008 and 2009: in the latter wrote an article about Second Life. His story is in the book "The companies in-visible" network coordinated by Marco Minghetti (Scheiwiller 2008). He published "Blogs and the vision fideistic the network," 2008; "Magnethic Poems", 2008, Ed Lulu.
Writer Aldous Aldous aka Reader aka Asian Lednev Fabio Fornasari, AtmaXenia Ghia, Azzurra Collas aka Lorenza Colicigno, Ryba Margy aka Carmen Auletta, fold Tuqiri aka Piero Gatti, Jefferson Sunrise aka Albamarina Matterhorn, Susy Decosta, William Nobody MacEwan Writer. Significant contributions to the development of the novel came from Alzataconpugno Tuqiri, Deneb Ashbourne aka Laura Caslini, Titty Thor. Contact cell. 3355229468
cell. 3389599361
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