Use makeup at a young age when a teenager can do harm to health and leads to serious damage. It 's the result of research carried out by' Environmental Working Group (EWG), based in Washington and reported by the British newspaper Daily Telegraph. According to experts EWG some make-up products using the shell by adolescents contain potentially dangerous chemicals, as phthalates, triclosan, aluminum, parabens and musks that lead to cancer, infertility, hormonal imbalances and even depression. The same are bad for adults but the risk is even greater if the age at which you start to use the makeup is too low. These substances are contained in mascara, eye shadow, foundation, powder and stick. The EWG has also calculated as an average teenage girls use makeup every day: about 17 daily cosmetics (including nail polish and hair dye), compared to 13 of adult women. American
Expert advice is to check the components of the tricks and when not to use them has expired. A simple lipstick contiene moltissimi prodotti chimici. Oltre agli ftalati (che possono causare danni ai reni e al fegato e ad un feto) i rossetti possono contenere sostanze cancerogene come il butilidrossitoluolo, polietilene, Dimethicone e una sfilza di coloranti artificiali derivanti dal catrame del carbone.
Controllare le etichette dei trucchi ed evitare quelli con:
Urea Dianzolidinyl, alluminio, Dietanolamina, Glicole propilenico, parabene
Expert advice is to check the components of the tricks and when not to use them has expired. A simple lipstick contiene moltissimi prodotti chimici. Oltre agli ftalati (che possono causare danni ai reni e al fegato e ad un feto) i rossetti possono contenere sostanze cancerogene come il butilidrossitoluolo, polietilene, Dimethicone e una sfilza di coloranti artificiali derivanti dal catrame del carbone.
Controllare le etichette dei trucchi ed evitare quelli con:
Urea Dianzolidinyl, alluminio, Dietanolamina, Glicole propilenico, parabene
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