Recent studies on contamination by fecal bacteria in beach sand have shown that play and cover with sand, touching his mouth with his hands covered with sand, games, and typical behaviors of children at sea, increase - according to new U.S. research - the possibility of contracting gastrointestinal diseases. The survey published in the journal "American Journal of Epidemiology" has examined data on 27 thousand people who attended seven different beaches between 2003 and 2007. The children who played in the sand, digging in a specific way between the grains or diving in the sand, showed an increased risk of attacks of diarrhea or gastrointestinal disease by 44% quieter than children who do not dig with both hands and not the body is covered with sand. Conducted at the University of North Carolina, the survey noted that a series of tests revealed the presence of bacteria in the sand like "Escherichia coli" or "Enterococcus," which are in the heat of the sand a perfect breeding ground. The only way to defeat the contamination - reminiscent of the experts - is to wash hands, using disinfectants and prevent children to bring their fingers to his mouth filled with sand.
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