Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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Regione Lazio in Italy in the lead for exposure to radon

Lazio is the region topped the list for exposure to radon, a radioactive gas naturally occurring carcinogen that increases the risk of cancer. Lazio has the highest pollution levels in homes with 119 Bq/m3 (Becquerel per cubic meter, ie the number of nuclear transformations per second that are issued in a cubic meter of air) against the Italian average of 70. This is what emerges from the first edition of the Environment Report Osservasalute 2008, submitted July 28, 2009 at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. This is an in-depth analysis of the state of health of the environment and its effects on the health of the Italian population carried out by the National Health in the Italian Regions, based at the Catholic University of Rome, and is coordinated by Walter Ricciardi, director of the Institute of Hygiene of the faculty of medicine and surgery. The findings show that Lazio is a region where is located the largest number of homes deemed most at risk in relation to radon concentrations above 400 Bq/m3. The main source of this gas is in fact the ground, especially as the type of volcanic tuff, often present in buildings in Rome.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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Playing with the sand of the sea increases the risk of contracting gastrointestinal diseases

Recent studies on contamination by fecal bacteria in beach sand have shown that play and cover with sand, touching his mouth with his hands covered with sand, games, and typical behaviors of children at sea, increase - according to new U.S. research - the possibility of contracting gastrointestinal diseases. The survey published in the journal "American Journal of Epidemiology" has examined data on 27 thousand people who attended seven different beaches between 2003 and 2007. The children who played in the sand, digging in a specific way between the grains or diving in the sand, showed an increased risk of attacks of diarrhea or gastrointestinal disease by 44% quieter than children who do not dig with both hands and not the body is covered with sand. Conducted at the University of North Carolina, the survey noted that a series of tests revealed the presence of bacteria in the sand like "Escherichia coli" or "Enterococcus," which are in the heat of the sand a perfect breeding ground. The only way to defeat the contamination - reminiscent of the experts - is to wash hands, using disinfectants and prevent children to bring their fingers to his mouth filled with sand.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

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Pregnant women who eat well guarantee bones best children

Pregnant women, who maintain a healthy balanced diet will have children with stronger bones and larger than those that feed on evil. It seems obvious, but now there's confirmation. These are the results of a study presented at the conference of the National Osteoporosis Society in Manchester. " Our data add evidence to the fact that environmental influences during gestation affect the development of the skeleton of the child ," said Dr Zoe Cole of the University of Southampton. The researchers for their study examined the diets of 198 pregnant women, two models have emerged: the first was on a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, yogurt and cereals. The second was a less healthy pattern, in which large amounts of foods like biscuits, chips, sugar, white bread, processed meat and soft drinks mamme.Le fed the assessments made on the bones of children to 9 years age have shown that a healthy maternal diet is associated with a larger size and bone density in children. " Babies born to mothers who followed a healthy diet had about 11% more bone mineral content in the body and an 8 per cent more body bone area "Cole has confirmed.
The impact of maternal diet was maintained even after taking into account factors such as smoking, the level of vitamin D and class, explained the authors. The report greater good diet-bone development remained even after taking into account the height, weight, arm circumference and birth weight of children. " A healthy diet during pregnancy has lasting effect on bone development of children - confirmed Cole- This reduces the risk of suffering of the small and in the future development of 'osteoporosis, a potentially debilitating condition of the bones .

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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The causes of infertility: pelvic inflammatory disease PID

Con malattia infiammatoria pelvica o PID si indicano tutta una serie di infezioni che interessano gli organi genitali pelvici, principalmente tube ed ovaie, che si manifestano sotto forma di semplici processi infiammatori fino ad arrivare alla formazione di ascessi e nei casi più gravidi peritoniti. Colpiscono soprattutto donne in età fertile e le cause principali sono i germi trasmessi con i rapporti sessuali (tra i più importanti la Chlamydia, i Mikoplasmi ed i Gonococchi ), che dalla vagina risalgono nell'utero e si diffondono nelle tube. Queste ultime possono essere danneggiate fino all'occlusione completa e perdere la capacità di raccogliere e trasportare la cellula uovo dall'ovaio, con conseguente impossibilità di fecondazione; qualora la fecondazione avvenisse, potrebbe essere alterato il meccanismo di trasporto dell'embrione, che si forma al loro interno, il quale, anziché arrivare ad annidarsi nell'utero, attecchisce all'interno della tuba creando il temibile quadro di una gravidanza extrauterina. A volte i germi possono arrivare fino all'ovaio, lasciando intatte le tube, e danneggiare la riserva delle cellule uovo con conseguenti alterazioni del processo dell'ovulazione fino a quadri di menopausa precoce. Infine un'altra forma non trascurabile di PID è la peritonite dovuta sempre agli stessi germi che provengono dalle vie genitali ma anche da appendiciti gravi: le conseguenze sono la formazione di aderenze che coinvolgendo tube ed ovaie ne alterano la normale anatomia e funzionalità.
Tutte le forme di PID, nei casi acuti, si possono manifestare con dolori addominali, febbre, dolore durante i rapporti sessuali e perdite vaginali, ma in molti casi, soprattutto quando dovute a Chlamydia possono essere asintomatiche e manifestarsi direttamente con occlusione tubarica e successiva sterilità.Pertanto è fondamentale riuscire a fare prevenzione mediante una diagnosi precoce dell'infezione ed un inizio tempestivo di un'adeguata terapia antibiotica.