Monday, February 28, 2011

Flat Warts Darker Than Skin

Hypnotic Language VS. Hypnosis: differences and similarities

hypnotic language and Hypnosis the two things are quite different ..

Hypnosis is what can be achieved through a state of trance that takes you to do something 'hypnotic' (...).

hypnotic language instead is a tool that allows you to create a trance and hypnosis.

I must point out that it is not known to occur in spite of hypnotic trance you are using a cert or type of language. This is because there are countless factors that go to determine the development or not hypnotic. In fact I use hypnotic language in a small percentage is not sufficient ad indurre stati 'particolari' ipnotici.

Ci sarebbe poi da parlare ore e ore su cosa è l'ipnosi e cosa non è: argomento su cui si sono dibattuti interminabili confronti da parte di buoni o cattivi conoscitori della materia. Ciò che vorrei far percepire al lettore è che uno strumento come il linguaggio ipnotico può essere utilizzato anche senza la conseguenza dell'induzione in ipnosi. Può benissimo essere efficace in quanto rende la comunicazione efficace, precisa, inattaccabile e persuasiva se utilizzato a dovere. Questo pur senza necessità di aver creato una trance.

Ciò che propongo con il mio approccio alla materia è un sistema di utilizzo del linguaggio ipnotico che mira a rendere l'obiettivo can reach more of our communication; call it hypnotic language, persuasive language, effective language, rhetoric, or whatever you want: the fact remains that the word 'hypnosis' and 'hypnosis' are metaphors for me to better understand the effectiveness the language that I propose to the reader. Two thousand years ago 'the great orators of Rome used the rhetoric, after two thousand years it has evolved to be able to induce hypnotic states .. incredible!

So: do not call it hypnosis or hypnotic, the fact remains that we are interested in the effect, the result, that of hypnosis or hypnosis is not the case!

you soon!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jeff Hardy Games To Play

Henry Bandelli

per conoscere meglio l'artista:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Levels Of Bacteria In The Swimming Pool Is Higher


Carissimi, tra pochi giorni ripartiamo per PISA.

Pubblicheremo in anteprima tutte le foto delle opere, non in ordine alfabetico perchè molte sono arrivate in questi giorni e non abbiamo ancora avuto modo di fotografarle.

The works will start for the SITE OF OLD SHIPS OF PISA February 23, 2011!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Poems In Arabic Writing

Lo smog invecchia la pelle, rimedi per contrastare i danni da inquinamento

smog and pollution of major city \u200b\u200bnot only harms the lungs, but also hurts the skin and premature aging. To launch the cry of alarm is the dermatologist Antonino Di Pietro, president dell'Isplad (International-Italian Society of Plastic Regenerative and Oncologic Dermatology).
" Smog is made up of very fine powder made from hydrocarbon fuel, and carbon particles deposited on the skin, but also on the hair. This is a layer of air that penetrates deep into the dermis and activates the immune system , forcing them to a state of constant alert. And in the long run this alarm makes the skin more sensitive to external agents .
" blame smog for the skin change the color and light loss, becoming opaque. This is because fine particles alter the surface lipid layer of the skin, which remains helpless without this filter. The cells that make up the lose their compactness - continues the dermatologist - are less united against each other and the skin becomes a kind of uneven ground, full of microfissurazioni . "Through these pores" in the dust enters depth, where they put a strain on the immune system has to work much more and become much more responsive. A general alert and continuously easier that triggers allergies. "

Remedies for skin against smog:
you must cleanse the skin thoroughly using non-foaming products, since the foam is produced from petroleum-derived surfactants. Use mild soap, that is pH 5-6.

What face cream to use to defend themselves from 'pollution
Use products made of various substances ranging from phospholipids to deltalattone, to glucosamine. And since skin damage of pollution are not exclusive to women, but also affect the way males do not forget the after-shave cream, preferably not containing alcohol. The most at risk for humans is in fact in a hurry when you shave in the morning and then exit immediately at home with the irritated skin to run to work.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wagle Ki Duniya Doordarshan

La Torre di Asian al PAN

The first international festival of e-literature, organized by the Electronic Literature OLE Workshop with Lello Masucci, artist and artistic director of Atelier Multimedia, Giovanna Rosario University of Jyväskylä (Finland) and dell'IN3 (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute) in Barcelona, \u200b\u200baccording to Marina Vergiani, Director of PAN Palazzo Arti Napoli, has seen among its protagonists, "The Tower of Asian", the collective novel edited by Lorenza Colicigno, born as a creative writing workshop in Second Life. To read the novel, as it left the laboratory, can be found Another star of the Festival Potenza Fabio De Vivo, PhD student at the University of Macerata, Project Leader & eLiterature netart, 1 Italian forum on creativity in digital media, sponsored by the University, who spoke on "Defining, concept was eLiterature the digital age. "