Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Quando riprovare a fare un figlio dopo un aborto, il prima possibile

When you try to have a baby after an abortion? as soon as possible. At least according to a study by the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) published in the journal 'British Medical Journal'. This statement is in contrast with the international guidelines that recommend that you wait at least six months before trying a second attempt. Indeed, the survey shows that involved 30 000 women, get pregnant again within six months from abortion ensures the best possible conditions to become pregnant without any problems .

Researchers have pointed out when examining the data of about 31 000 patients who had an abortion between 1981 and 2000: from analysis found that conceiving a child within six months after the negative experience of having lost another reduces the risk of problems during the nine months, having to resort to caesarean section at birth or giving birth to a premature baby. The whole when compared with the situation of women getting pregnant again waited from 6 to 12 months after the abortion. This applies in particular, notes lead author of the research, Sohinee Bhattacharya, "for women already get older. In a patient of 35 years, for example, would definitely recommend trying again within six months, unless you are having problems such as infections.

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