Thursday, May 27, 2010

Advanced Make Up Games

Water Monitor Silvio Giordano wins REWF

Lunedì 24 maggio sono stati premiati i vincitori della seconda edizione di Romaeuropa Webfactory, il laboratorio creativo che intercetta e valorizza il talento di tutti gli internauti che esprimono sul web la propria creatività. Si chiamano

Silvio Giordano , Giuseppe Laselva e Lilies on Mars (Lisa Masia e Marina Cristofalo) i protagonisti della seconda edizione di REWF e vincitori, rispettivamente, delle 4 sezioni del concorso artistico: Videoart, 100words , Spot e Music@. Il concorso REWF ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 1000 artisti, divisi nelle quattro categorie, that could also benefit from the contribution of prestigious e-guides that have followed the different stages of the competition and judged the works submitted
Giuseppe La Spada, Christian Fennesz, Holden School and The TV Blog
. The winners were nominated by the vote of the People's Jury circa18.000 composed of members of the community and a jury Romaeuropa Webfactory Quality

The prize of Euro 5000 in gold coins were delivered by: Monique Veaute
- Deputy Fondazione Umberto Romaeuropa Croppi - Head of Culture City of Rome
Luca Barbareschi - Vice President of the House of Representatives Commission IX
Pio Baldi
- Presidente Fondazione MAXXI

Ecco il Link con la Top 5 dove poter visionare tutti i lavori..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My 6 Week Old Has Mucus In His Chest


L’Enel vorrebbe trasformare tutta la piana di Rossano in un enorme buco nero. Nero di carbone e di polveri sottili che entrerebbero ovunque e decimerebbero una popolazione già stremata e fatta fuori, giorno dopo giorno, dall’elettromagnetismo indotto dai cavi elettrici che partono dalla sua centrale ed attraversano a bassa quota interi quartieri. Quartieri come la contrada Petraro, o quella di Spina Santa o quella di Piragineti. Contrade popolose che fanno da cintura al centro di Rossano e che da decenni stanno subendo una decimazione per tumori di ogni specie. L’Enel ora vuole di più. Vuole trasformare la centrale elettrica alimentata ad olio combustibile e gas naturale in centrale a carbone. Una centrale che con le sue due lunghe ed inquietanti ciminiere è diventata il simbolo di Rossano.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How To Build Wooden Swing Set Templates

14 artists at the MUV Festival, Florence

Celeste è was invited to select the most important video of 2009 (Premio Celeste, Celeste Prize, Exhibitions),
The 14 selected videos will be screened on June 3 at 22 in 'Videozone' at Oblate Library, Florence, during the MUV festival dedicated to electronic music and digital arts, 1-6 June 2010.

Lyapis Trubetskoy "Capital" from Alexey
Guillaume Blanchet,
Francesca Coppola, The Smoker
Isobel Blank,
Claudia Gambadoro,
Nicola Genovese,
The Losing Game
Silvio Giordano,
Packaging’s Life
Seunghee Kang,
Peeping into our society with the code of desire
Peter Monkman,
Vagina Cosmica
Surabhi Saraf,
Yea Jin Song,
Second Skin/Braid Hair
Alexey Terehoff (Aliaksei Tserakhau),
Lyapis Trubetskoy ‘Capital’
David Theobald, Greensleeves

Dove & Quando: 3 giugno, ore 22, Biblioteca delle Oblate, Via Sant'Egidio, Florence, free admission.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jockstraps In High School

Quanto costa una liposuzione?

E 'treatment prince to remove excess fat, most commonly used, effective and above the final, we are talking about liposuction. But the cost to make? begin by saying that the variables that we have to reckon with are many. To be analyzed as part of our body is affected by liposuction, there is no difference in costs when it comes to abdominal liposuction, or for example in the calves, the type of clinic to which we entrust to the last and the city served by the medical team . The high cost of living in a region or city affects not only bread and pasta but also the cost of cosmetic treatments, and liposuction in Turin will not have the same price as the one made in Bari, for example. no mention of who decides to go all 'foreign trips for health are very often, countries that "pull" the most are always the same, eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Hungary in the first place) and North Africa with Tunisia and Morocco now superspecializzati in breast and liposuction. It saves a lot but you have to put on the scales and the costs of travel and stay, not to mention the 'reliability of physicians.

The price of liposuction :
The most expensive area is the legs, buttocks, where the cost does not fall below the 3500 €. The area to be "liposuction" is broad and, this action may last for 4 hours. Less expensive than liposuction to the abdomen, even if only slightly, whose prices start at around € 2500. The cost of liposuction to the neck and under chin area is about 2 thousand euro while the calves, the cheapest costs about € 1000-1500.
These costs are often added to the costs preoperative and postoperative. Blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiogram and chest plates before the 'intervention, about 100-150 € for the bandages and medicines for post-treatment can charge as much.