Monday, May 11, 2009

Wireless Dongle Hacks

One dead a day cycling ...

Ecco... è uscita la statistica... ci sono all'anno tanti morti quanti sono i partecipanti del tour de france e del giro d'italia...
Adesso il solito carosello di accuse a una e all'altra parte della diatriba: sarà colpa dei ciclisti o degli automobilisti?

A me tutto questo fa ribrezzo... viene alla ribalta un argomento che la maggior parte dei cittadini non conosce... 

Quanti saremo in Italia ad usare la bici assiduamente come mezzo di trasporto? Siamo quattro gatti... 

Quanti si arrogano il diritto di sparare sentenze sull'una e sull'altra parte? ovviamente quasi tutti...

Well, before making any decisions, before opening his mouth would be the case that people try to use the bike. Which among other things that might not do well at all ...

need the people who use the bike was aware of what he is doing, the risks that are running, how to use the means that should be placed in optimum efficiency, with brakes and lights should be in compliance maniacal way of rules and other media circulating since the risks involved in cycling can not be solved trivially by the CID, but usually ends up in hospital ...

And all this must be clearly present in a person using other means, cars, motorcycles and so on ...

To ensure that accidents decrease there is an awareness about what it's like riding a bike in the middle of the car and vice versa ...

This news if ever lead to some action concrete taken by the government will have to be made without considering the problem in a pragmatic and practical, but will, as usual, an action of propaganda designed to appease the public ...

What would be nice for once so we take into account the solution of a problem in an intelligent way and not Muzzo ...

we'll see, maybe I'm wrong ...