I'm back ... Time is running out and be able to give a little to do with 'Ultimate has become a bit 'a tragedy!
The starting point for this reflection arises from the post left by my 3 readers
fixed thank you :-) I hope to work more closely in the future, who knows!
I leave you with a quick gem, one of those little things that maybe are ignored but that can make a big difference for cyclists and novices citizen ... the pressure of wheels!
often seen cycling around people with the wheel more or less deflated at times almost to the ground ...
is a clear difference between the perceived ride a bike with wheels and a very deflated bike instead has a good pressure. It seems a lot less work to do and go much faster when the wheels are very swollen! And this is more than a mere impression, it's true! It does not work!
Then bodies with a good bicycle pump (the ones on the floor are ideal are more expensive but if your intention is to make the bike half the price of alternative transportation will pay off in the long run ;-) inflates faster and becomes less fatigue!) and check every so often they are not too deflated ...
than doing less work, the wheels be inflated or decrease the risk of drilling in extreme cases, Pinch flat tire or if the impact does not put up sufficient resistance against a hole or a step for which the tire is deformed against the obstacle until it does not reach the rim pinching the tube so that it can cut and deflate instantly! It's not something so common in cities but it's turning something that is better avoid!